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Ditch Blogging And Get Vlogging! Ten Tips For Starting A Video Blog


Consumers are online, reading and sharing content.  Initially, marketers used text-based blogs to inform and intrigue the masses, but the digital age ushered more resources and associated tools, like video platform YouTube, which turned some amateurs to stars overnight.

Ditch blogging and begin casting your shadow upon the digital landscape, originating videos for subsequent uploading and sharing.

1.) Conjure Content:

Think like a content enterprise, such as a major newspaper.  Editors and reporters don’t arise and write about anything that comes to mind.  Some stories are ‘breaking,’ but stories are prepared weeks to months ahead of time. Start an editorial calendar to align videos with topics sought by your target market.

2.) Simulate A Setting:

Consider your vlogging ‘studios’ or video setting.  Advanced vloggers use editing software along with other equipment to enhance lighting, audio, and ambiance elements.  Simulate a professional or impromptu setting befitting to your content. Consider forming a team and getting help with establishing an action-ready camera studio and video setting.

3.) Enhance Equipment:

You don’t need a million-dollar studio, yet consider the reception of viewers when purchasing associated video equipment.  Invest in supplemental implements applicable to the aid of communicating your content.  For example, a cycling vlogger may purchase a GoPro helmet, speaking with viewers while riding their cycle for added visual effect.

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4.) Master Editing:

As mentioned above, a number of editing software exists.  Editing makes a huge difference in the final product.  Devote time in mastering a free or paid version.  Editing can be stressful and full of mistakes, so be sure to maintain an original file for subsequent edit attempts.

5.) Spread Awareness:

Hosting a YouTube account and uploading videos is not enough.  In order to spread awareness, consider joining other social platforms, sharing content of others, and engaging personalities through comments, tagging, and online discussion.


6.) File Extensions:

Browsers use a number of tools to obtain, share, and maintain Web content.  A YouTube video file converter allows users to download content from YouTube and similar sites while converting the files for viewing on other devices such as respective media players, iPhones, and gaming consoles.  Direct attention to helpful viewer tools to increase viewership and advocacy. Remember to respect IP when using downloaded content.

7.) Dedicate Time:

Even the most acclaimed stars of the silver screen spent years training and honing their craft before making it big.  However, in the past, there wasn’t the viral power of the Web! Dedicate time toward editing, creating an intriguing studio, as well as other sentiments involved in video production.  Viewers can tell the difference between those who care and those who just throw something together haphazardly.

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8.) Limit Time:

Online reading is different from offline reading, and viewership is largely similar.  People seek short clips for learning and entertainment.  Place a time limit on your clips; there’s no ‘magic’ formula; monitor the preferences of target audiences. However, some studies show a preference for shorter video content.

9.) Review Metrics:

Consider connecting video URLs with software that helps measure traffic, on-page time, bounce rates, links to individual pages and sites, etc.  Reviewing metrics helps determine what content resides with viewers and what pieces fail to capture attention.

10.) Mix Media:

Use a variety of media to get a sense of likes and dislikes of targeted consumers.  Furthermore, mix media, using different platforms, days, and times of day to better resonate with the masses.  For example, you may find consumers receive product videos well, especially Facebook fans using accounts on weekends.  However, another brand may find success with an alternate strategy.

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