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What Makes A Good Manager? 11 Ways To Be A Good Manager – An Infograph

What Makes A Good Manager? 11 Ways To Be A Good Manager - An Infograph

Good managers are at the very core of any successful organisation, but what are the core elements that make a good manager?

An exceptionally good manager achieves a hardworking, productive and effective workforce that punches above its weight in its performance. If you’re under the direction of a good manager you’ll find yourself more engaged, committed and willing to go the extra mile. A good manager will inspire their staff to do what they otherwise may not be willing to do, and ensures that everyone on their team is reaching their full potential.

We explore the essential elements that make up a good manager, the different styles of effective management and ways to spot a bad manager. There are many different management styles that, while varied, all contribute to being a good manager. There’s an autocratic manager making decisions unilaterally, a democratic manager letting your staff make decisions, a consultative manager allowing your employees have input, a laissez-faire manager channelling a mentor role or an MBWA taking the time to listen to your employees.

By learning what makes a good manager, you get a greater understanding of how a bad manager behaves. Quite often bad managers won’t take a vested interest in their employee’s performance or their career progression, they don’t back them up, they actively stop them from succeeding for fear of losing out, they are passive aggressive, they focus on pointless, time-wasting tasks and they don’t offer any praise for a job well done.

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A key to successful management is the relationship between the manager and his or her staff. It’s the manner in which managers manage people that separates the ordinary from the good and the exceptional. Good relationships are based on trust, commitment and engagement, and a good manager’s essential role is to build these relationships for the benefit of the organisation. A good manager ensures that all work tasks are completed effectively, with enthusiasm, and with the drive to achieve more.

Bright School Of Business And Managment

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