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Top 10 Trending Sat NAV GPS App For A Travel Blogger

Top 10 Trending Sat NAV GPS App For A Travel Blogger

Travel blogging is one of the hot favorites of the online community that includes both writers and readers. International travel has become economical with budget airlines and vouchers that extended fabulous discounts on travel and accommodation. Many reasons including the aforesaid ones have propelled the growth of tourism in almost all the countries in the world. Traveling has become not only a passion but a profession for many people and more importantly with serious bloggers who have got the first hand knowledge on travel and tourism.

A professional travel blogger has to take the help of certain gadgets like GPS enabled devices etc. Such gadgets may not be affordable for all and may burn the pockets of some buyers.

In this article our readers would be getting an idea on the top 10 sat nav GPS apps that every travel blogger should try out. Some of them are free while few come with a cost attached but the same can be discounted by using the popular vouchers like Halfords Voucher Codes.

Table of Contents

1.) Waze:

This is a free GPS app that works on Android and iOS phones. Users can benefit from its professional services like live routing, automatic re-routing, destinations and the commuting hours etc.

2.) NavFree:

As the name suggests, it is a free GPS navigation app that works on crowd powered navigation technology. This app offers turn by turn directions with both on-screen and voice instructions.

Top 10 Trending Sat NAV GPS App For A Travel Blogger

3.) CoPilot GPS:

CoPilot is one of the most economical yet powerful GPS app for iOS and Android users. Users can enjoy the high quality 2D images coupled with trip organizer. This app can offer up to 3 alternative routes for a single destination. The best part of this app is its ‘Walking mode’ with which the users can walk with confidence in unfamiliar areas.

4.) Garmin Nuvi 3490:

As a paid app Garmin nuvi is worth every penny of its value. Its premium navigation methodology is one of the fastest route calculators and has the robust, intuitive search engine. This app has been rated as the most roadworthy by many reviewers.

5.) Tom Tom:

Tom Tom is costlier than CoPilot but comes with an impeccable image quality. Users can reach out to millions of maps and this app works with iOS and Android smart phones.

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6.) Navigation Europe:

A good app with highest price tag but it has the power to transform any smart phone from Windows, Android and iOS to become a full fledged Sat Nav.

Top 10 Trending Sat NAV GPS App For A Travel Blogger

7.) Nokia Here:

This is a beta version released for Nokia smart phones only. This is a free app for England tourists. The only hitch with this app is its incapability to provide alternative route information.

8.) Google Navigation:

This is a free app from Google for both iPhone and Android users. This is powered by the standard Google Maps and can find PINs and places of interest as well.

9.) WisePilot Europe:

A paid app that works with Windows, iOS and Android smart phones has the features like live traffic information, bright image quality etc.

10.) M8:

A fantastic free app just like Waze and generates useful information on traffic, directions and post codes. It can also display places of interest in the nearby locations.

Sat nav apps are great GPS enabled applications that can quite handy for the frequent travelers. Though some of the apps are having startling price tags, users can buy them with discounts or using vouchers from Halford.

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4 Responses to “Top 10 Trending Sat NAV GPS App For A Travel Blogger”

  1. Pramod says:

    After reading this wonderful post .. I’ve downloaded Navfree app . I hope that it meets upto my expectations . Thanks for making us aware of all these apps brother .

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