Every man want to be a hero and he tries most according to his capacity but a huge percentage can’t get succeeded. It’s not mean that they didn’t want it but it’s actually that he walked on a wrong way. As you can see the ration on Poor in the world that are quite big then the Rich or even normal. What you think that they didn’t want to be a Rich. Probably not But as I said before that…
“A Way Can Help You To Reach The Target…!!!”
So same phenomena is here in the world of blogging that even 99.99% blogger blogs for some $$$ but after asking they denied because they think that they are Hero and they know that eevry one will ask about there earning. As a quite old quotation…
“Never Ask A Female About Her Age And Never Ask A Male About His Salary…!!!”
So if they are not blogging for money then why they are using ads, sponsored post and other services to earn some $$$, Remove that all and add some other post link instead of there space. Apparently not. In a common vie of internet user,A perfect blogger is that who earn some best amount then some amount’s blogger. You can’t denied with this theory that if a blogger blog better then any pro blooger and didn’t have any source of income, they will not coincided as Hero as compared to Dollar one that is totally shit but we can’t do anything to change this.
So if a good blogger blogs and also get some $$$ then it will be a Hero as I said so to make you hero from zero here comes an advertisement company that can do this and can stand you on your feet and against other.
Infolinks, Yes! You heard it right. It’s a next generation of pay per click InText Advertising leading industry with the most relevant contextual advertising links and the highest revenue share guaranteed. Infolinks is a most popular, or if we say the top then its will not wrong, in-line text-advertising network best suited to high traffic websites as well as for small too if they have high valued visitors. Infolinks shows ads that are matching with your website content in your article text. Infolinks converts certain keywords from your blog posts content into advertising links and we are paid for each click or view made on those ads by your visitor.
There are a lot of features and positive points that make us to use there service without any doubts, Some of them we shared in our previous post in which we wrote about Earn $$$ From Your Blog By Using Infolinks InText Ads. Now we are sharing some other cool features for everyone whether you are a publisher, advertiser or visitor.
Table of Contents
Infolinks Knows The Best:
As others do, Infolinks don’t like they have no limitation and shits of TOC that’s totally out of sense like no one ads industry GoogleAdsence and other that requires huge visitors, targeted and organic bla bla. Some time they throw out publisher request attaching that type of point that is completely out of mind as you know better then us. There are also a big problem that they can’t provide a better company to other networks beyond some countable name. But instead of these all shits Infolinks provide a better environment to it’s users and he has no limitation that sucks publisher.
Happy Infolinks Publisher:
Anyone can advertise his product but a Publisher, The most important person in the world of advertisement is also happy with Infolinks service by simply best and top point that He never eat up your site space as other companies do. Infolinks is a InText advertisement industry so he provides only ads in text that can save your space and also look that can be damage by adding banner type advertisement. There rates are also reasonable but best because he keep his publisher at top. They have two type of earning, Impression or Click, that can generate a huge balance in your account by using this service.
You Will Be Count In World Fourth Largest Marketplace Of Publishers…!!!
Infolink also keep his visitor uptodate with what happening in the world of advertisment and what are the way to increase your earning. He keep blogging on his blog to provide a bettre service to his publisher and they also have a Trend Center that help’s a publisher that which day, date, time, city, content, keyword, topic is trending right now in view of erning by following this a publisher can increase his earnign upto 200%. He only do this because he loves his publisher as you know in the ads industry, Publisher are in top rather then advertiser.
Hot For Advertisers:
If you want to show your product in front of who deserve it then it’s time to take an account of Advertiser At Infolinks. Then her is the question Why? the answer in hidden in the count that your product will reach over 100,000 sites operating in 128 countries. This is all what a advertiser want. The other thing that advertiser want is delivered by Infolinks platform that is Relevancy. Infolink show your product on target keywords of the publisher blog that means it’s quite better then banner ads that will remain aside from the text that never can garb the attention of the visitor. He shows your ad in the text area where 101% visitor leave there impression and also most heated space of a webpage. So if you want targeted visitor to your site then it’s the best way to full fill this desire.
Infolinks Never Forget His Visitor:
As we describe that what Infolinks do for there Advertiser and Publisher, It’s not the end because without visitor here are nothing, no publisher and no advertiser and simply no Hero, only remain Zero. If you are using banner ads then your visitor got angered that he is visiting for there desired data but what he got, nothing but full of banners and etc so they leave that page instead of getting there desired date and leaving an impression or click on ads that can help a blogger to run his blogs. So Infolinks understand this that’s why they introduces this type of advertisement that never used any space from your web age but just provide some underlines below some hot keywords. It’s a human habit that when he reads something, he point his finger to that words and as he moves forward his finger moves too.
But in computers there is no space to keep your finger moving that’s why it has mouse so humans also used this as finger and keep moving his mouse along the text. So when he reaches any double line golden keyword, there appear a popup in which either a text ads or image and appear that is 10% related to that words so visitor get happy that he found some more date on the words that is also related. after seeing this visitor either open it or move forward. When move forward the ad disappear and on next keyword, the next popup will appear. So the key features of all the story is that the visitor will not got angry but even he got happy about this that is not interrupting there article and also providing the best related link too.
The Ads Type Of Infolinks:
Nearly 80% ads company have banner system as there ads format and the rest % have some bullshits adds like POPUP, POPUnder etc. There are many less companies that are providing intext ads and Infolink in on of that at top. There are four awesome type for publisher and advertiser to show there products. InSearch, InTag, InText, InFrame, These all are the style of Infolinks that you can know more about every one at there Ads Type Info And DEMO.
No Attack On Your SEO:
As a many huge count thinks that by using ads, there page loading time increase instead of there earning and also 99% of them all right but if you are using Infolinks then there is no need to to worry because they didn’t increase your loading time however increase your earning. We are also using Infolinks so you can see that some time server become heavy then the page loads slow but after complete loading page, the Infolinks appear in last that mean it’s also good for your SEO.
You Will Get More Then Infolinks:
When it comes to share earning, Infolinks provide a huge percentage to the publisher that you can see in the ratio of 70-30. It means that a 70% of revenue will be given to the publisher and only 30% will take himself in order to keep them alsive and keep serving ads to you. Is not great because many other sites have 50-50 rule.
You Like It, Get’s In Now:
This is just a little introduction, If you want to know more about him, just read out there blog our without wasting time, just sign up to there account and become hero from zero.
From Our Side:
We have no words about Infolinks but we can say that nothing is better then this in all type of ranking. We highly recommend to use this because this will not require any space of your webpage or even no time, just signup to there site and get the code and add it in your template. It will automatically do all work himself and start providing you earning.
Really a nice advertising platform, I personally like the loading time of infolinks althat is quite fast then other and also the stylethat it loads after the complete loading of page from that my visitors didn’t get angered. And thanks for sharing the rest features here.
Welcome Here And Thanks For Liking Our Views About Infolinks, We Think That Every Blogger Should Add This Because It Has Only Positive Features, Nothing Negative In My View…
I saw some Banner(Image) ads on your site . I want know from which ad company you got these ads?
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Welcome Here And Thanks For Visiting Us. We Are Using Qadabra Ads Also That You Can Know More About It At: Qadabra: A Best Way To Monetize Your Blog With Good Revenue