You Are Viewing Monthly Archive: May 2013

How To Add List Style V1 Blogger Posts In Blogspot?
May 31st, 2013 | 6 Comments | Blogspot / Blogspot Tricks | In the series of our previous post of styling up blogger post automatically as top bloggers are doing, Here we are with our first code in which your all blog post will be in List Style on archive, home, label and search page that looks great and attract visitors....7 Ways To Design A Landing Page That Converts
May 30th, 2013 | 2 Comments | ECommerce / Guest Post / Website / Website Tricks | You are all set with the possible things on your marketing strategies and plans and they are working out too. You have perfectly designed your webpages, your paid search ads are well going, your ads on social networking sites are doing well and you are successful in receiving a lot of traffic for yo...
Simple And Pure HTML Image Slider Without CSS Or JavaScript
May 29th, 2013 | 17 Comments | HTML Codes / HTML-CSS-PHP-JavaScript | Here we have new, simple and stylish HTML image slider widget for blog and website based upon pure HTML code even without <style>, <script> Or $ Codes Or Files to make your web more stylish then it is. As you know that every blogger and f web designer wants a slider to show his main [&he...
How To Add New Ribbon To Latest And Old Ribbon To Previous Posts?
May 28th, 2013 | 18 Comments | Blogspot / Blogspot Widgets | Everyone wants to make his blog more stylish then anyone else and for that he add soo many codes and widgets that will make him soo bad that none of other is. So the simple rule is that you have to use that code which is best for user’s eyes and mind too. Means that […]...
How To Choose Best Website Design Template For Your Site?
May 27th, 2013 | 12 Comments | Guest Post / Website / Website Tips | There are many companies that create website design templates and they are available at wide range of prices. It is important that you know how to identify a good company so that you get the best possible service for your company. A website template is an off-the-shelf website that’s ready to ...
How To Write Facebook Post With Different Tag Or “See More” Link?
May 26th, 2013 | 135 Comments | FaceBook / FaceBook Tricks | [2013 Working Trick]This post contain answers of 3 hot question in facebook world that”How To Write Facebook Post With “See More” Text Or Any Other Text That Will Redirect To Your Profile Or Page After Clicking On Blue Text?” Or Simply “How To Write A Clickable Link T...