There are numerous ways to attract more clients whilst charging the clients more money! Usually when a potential client asks for your prices and says it too much or becomes un-interested its mostly because they don’t see the value of what there are getting for the price your charging.
There are great ways to add MORE than enough value to your product or services. You WILL need to position yourself as the expert on the subject and have your clients trust you. We will do on to show you how to do this.
Table of Contents
URO (Un-Resistible Offer):
Give them an offer they know they cannot refuse! You have to show them an offer that they know they will be missing out on it they did not take up. Of course when you offer services to any business they will think about if it is a good choice for them to do or if it’s a waste of time and money. Let’s say you’re selling web design services and you have quoted your client $900 for a 5 page custom website. They think it costs way too much for the value they are getting.
Well that’s why we have a URO (un-resistible offer) you have to make it so they can’t refuse your offer. That’s when you pull out the special Promo’s and FREE Bonuses. Here is an exact copy of a special Promo I used that Clients just couldn’t refuse!
Custom 5 page website + FREE Press release guaranteeing new visitors to their newly made site + $100 Free advertising via Google Ad words. = $900 is what we charged for that. We closed 2/3 sales with that deal.
The cost to make that site + press release + $100 advertising with Google ad words? = It cost us a total of $300 for everything. $200 for outsourcing + $100 for the press release.
As for the press release I simply found a business that does professional press releases for websites at a cheap rate and it guarantees new visitors to their new site for $100. It’s all about giving away that INSANE USO that nobody can deny!
Testimonials And Social Proof:
Social proof and testimonials are a great way to gain trust with your clients and are proven to increase sales. There are different forms of testimonials but what I found that works best is: Simply after servicing a customer have them write a simple yet powerful testimonial for your business. Then I continue to get a picture of that and post it on home pages of my websites. It gains instant trust when its seen and makes a powerful message to the client saying, “Use our services! We have PROOF that we do great work!” It’s as simple as that.
Also, what I have done before is gotten celebrity endorsements at very cheap rates! I know what you’re thinking…that must take a lot of work and be expensive! Well, no not at all!
Charles West is a professional content writer and blogger since last 2 years. I have writing expertise in technology and certification topics specially. I love to share that recently I passed my 640-878 exam from SAS institute and 117-201 exam from VMware. Thanks for reading.
Nice post ! got a clear idea to improve our products really its very useful for us thanks for posting
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nice post – love the way you coined the URO term 🙂 I mainly find my market base and target audience with the use of Colibri Tool. Head’s up that it is not free but well worth the investment as far as I’m concerned.
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