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Top 10 Writing Tips For Newbies To Be Pro-Bloggers

Top 10 Writing Tips For Newbies To Be Pro-Bloggers

Here are ten tips that you can use to construct better blog posts. Attendance to a blog is not only a key factor in blogging, it appear to be the entire point. What is the point of writing blog posts and putting them online if nobody is going to read them. You may as well write the posts and put them in a diary if they will never be seen by another. These tips will help you to either attract new readers or keep the ones you have. Nevertheless, you should remember that you are not being paid to blog, so you should allow yourself a little bit of freedom when you write. Do not allow the idea of potential traffic to dictate or restrict your creative freedom.

1.) Don’t Ramble On And On:

In a sense you are already imposing on your readers’ time, so to be self-indulgent and ramble on like an old man telling a war story is not acceptable. You need to temper your enthusiasm to create a balance between what needs to be said, and what you would like to say. One tried and true method is to write as much as you like on the first draft and then edit it down during the first read through.

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2.) Proofread Your Text For Typos:

A typo will not show up on your automatic spell check, because many words may be mistyped to create new words, e.g. create/crate. You need to look over every sentence to be sure that you have caught them all.

3.) Make The Grammar Good But Not Perfect:

Perfect grammar will make your text seem stale, dry and academic. Poor grammar will make your text very difficult to follow. You need to find a balance between creating text that is expressive and text that is easy to follow.

4.) Make Sure You Run A Spell Check:

The spell-checking program will not catch all of your spelling and grammar errors but it will point some of them out. Do not simply change the words that are underlined in red, you should run the program so that you can see any grammatical errors or possible typos.

5.) Look UpThe Rules On White Space:

There are lots of different theories about how much white space needs to be on the screen in order for it to be easily readable. It is up to you to look up the most recent theories and apply them to your work. White space involves all of the white space, including the space in the margins and between paragraphs.

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6.) Use Attractive Headers For Each Paragraph:

If your header is attractive then it will gain the interest of your reader and they will be more likely to read the paragraph in full. Try to think of engaging headers that are relevant to the title and that will sell the paragraph it hovers above.

7.) Make Your Paragraphs A Little Shorter:

Shorter paragraphs are easier to read. They also force skim readers to slow their reading rate, which will increase the chances of them retaining the information that you give.

8.) Be Expressive, Creative And Dynamic:

Do not write your blog posts as if you are creating a journal entry for a law department. You are allowed to be as creative and expressive as you like. Anything less may result in very boring blog posts.

9.) Add A Little Humor Where Appropriate:

Some people will post funny stuff on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, and then when you follow the links through to see their blog it is dull and lifeless. There is nothing stopping you from adding a little bit of humor into your blog posts.

10.) Create A Very Attractive Title:

This is the most important part of any blog post. The title is the thing that attracts people to your blog post. There are two points you need to hit, which are both diametrically opposed. On the one hand, you need to create a title that tickles the readers’ curiosity without giving too much away, whilst on the other hand you need a very descriptive title, which sets up the rest of the blog post.

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About the Author:
This article was written by Alice. She is a freelance writer for best essay writing service reviews website. She writes articles on education and writing.

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4 Responses to “Top 10 Writing Tips For Newbies To Be Pro-Bloggers”

  1. MYB Softs says:

    oh nice points, got some new points int which i was missing, will surely gone apply these.
    Games, Softwares

  2. Great tips and like the humor ‘write the post in your diary’ 🙂

    I agree that fluffs helps to lengthen your post but will be counter productive if it is too much. People are busy these days and want the direct answers rather than all sort of by-side information.

    Catchy titles helps to grab the first time readers and equally you should focus that you won’t disappoint them when they land on your page.

    Thanks for this great sum up!

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