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Web designing is not only fun but it has become a business in making money just by sitting at home and do the work leisurely without any hurry. Necessary important thing is communication between the two parties i.e. producer and consumer, internet connection, usage of skype calls, social networking sites etc., As there is only online oversee work getting done, sometimes nasty web designs are getting developed and ultimately all their business is getting landed in loss. Let us see the demerits of nasty web design.
A website should be an appealing one. Background containing gray color or contrast color combinations of text and background make the content hard to read makes the bad web page. Care should be taken to avoid them.
Content only matters in any designed web page. If the text content is too short or too stylish font that is hard to identify and read makes the message not to get reached in public. If the text written in bold or italic or mix and match unnecessarily makes the poor web page. Only for links underline should be provided or else there is no meaning of it.
Content building effectively determines a web page. If in a web page, effective information cannot be provided, via links they can be provided and in those scenarios, it is the developer responsibility to use plugins properly in order to avoid dead links. Plugins at least make dead links to land in useful information page via redirection. Links should contain valid addresses and on click of that link should deliver correct message or else they should be taken out from the link feature. Links redirecting to useless pages should be removed.
Users would always like to have instant access to a web page. Usually large graphic files take more time to load a web page. A web page has to be created on demand basis, i.e. only if user would like to view the page, then only graphic files should be opened. Screen resolution is an important factor while determining the graphic file load. Thumbnail images are the effective usage in the website but care should be taken that they should not of full size images. Alt tables should be there for graphics.
Blinking And Animations:
Animated pages are funful to watch. But if the entire page including text blinks, then finally irritation alone persists. Some pages have continuous animation and ultimately it end up in closing web browser or even shutting down the computer. Care should be taken to avoid animation unless it is required and also only little animation makes the page a perfect one. Junk In order to fill the web page, developers prefer to place junk advertisements, unwanted looping concepts etc., It is important for the developer to handle junk portions whether to have it or not before delivery.
Navigation is an essential feature in any web page. Complex navigation involving multiple frames, useless keywords that will not be identified by search engine as search results are not required in any web page. Simple plain English but at the same time, web page title containing high keyword density are the good featured web page.
General Design:
Browser compatibility is a noteworthy feature. While developing at least 3 to 4 browser testing need to be done before delivery. Cluttered content, images are no longer required and also if they do not provide any meaning, they can be safely ignored in the page.
Web design makes an individual to grow to any heights. Useful tips, plugins, getting the feedback, improving the web pages in subsequent versions makes the web page unique and long lasting forever.

Brianne is a writer/blogger. She loves writing travelling and reading books. She contributes for Yasmin Malhotra. Find here her contribution for Yasmin Malhotra
nice tips for newbies who try to make their webpage more effective
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Web design is the process of designing websites — a collection of online content including documents and applications that resides on a web server/servers. So if you want to explore your business then your website should be made in such a way that customers can feel comfortable and wants to be a part of your business.
Branza Inc.
Nice View, Web-Designing Is Really A Collection Of Data Displaying In A Manner. Thanks For Your Visit…