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8 Digital Marketing Mistakes Which Can Ruin Your Business!

Digital marketing has become a necessity in the modern world. With so many different applications of digital marketing being implemented these days, there are varieties of mistakes, which can potentially damage your business. Some mistakes are being committed actively while some are being made unknowingly and both the situations could bear dire consequences.

Let us point out some common mistakes which businesses make in the digital marketing domain and how to effectively counter them.

1.) Never Overlook Mobile:

We are living in the digital age. We wake up with our mobile phones besides our beds and our interaction with the digital starts then and there. Therefore, mobile phones have become the primary platforms for interaction with the digital world. Different pages on a website need to be optimized for a diverse set of platforms so that they are presented just the way we want them. A number of companies and websites owners neglect mobile phone optimization, which instantly ruins their first impression. The audience might use a more comprehensive medium to make the purchase decision like a laptop or a desktop computer, but if the first impression doesn’t satisfy you, there would hardly be any motivation to visit that website again. According to statistica, 52.2% of all digital global traffic comes from mobile platforms which is indeed a huge number.

You need to take into account how your viewers are interacting with the mobile version of your website and improve various aspects accordingly. If you think that a dedicated application could facilitate your customers and your cause more, then investing in it is a good idea. Remember that in order to convince people to download your application; you need a certain amount of PR, which needs to be developed through consistently delivering quality and quantity. When you consider mobile devices, make sure to include all the mobile platforms including tablets, phablets and laptops.

2.) Not Being Social Enough:

With the internet connecting us all tightly around the globe, social media channels provide a great platform to market yourself. If you have a great website and don’t have enough social media participation to cash on it, then you are missing out on a major opportunity. What people need to understand is that social media isn’t just a platform to post and broadcast stuff, it is also a great medium to converse with your audiences and hear their side of the story. Active participation allows you to bond with your audiences, which in turn enables them to generate positive word of mouth. In the digital world, this goes a long way towards establishing long-term relationships with your customers.

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Using a diverse set of social media platforms will definitely be beneficial. Websites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram all have their highlights where one outperforms the other in certain aspects. Use this to your advantage to reach out to your target niches in the proper way.

3.) Using Obsolete Equipment:

A common practice among various business owners these days, especially entrepreneurs is that they prefer saving funds on relatively cheaper equipment and services. Such steps make sense if you plan to upgrade them in the longer run, but if you stick to the old equipment, it will eventually hurt your business. Since you need to stay connected with the internet 24/7, it is important that you have a connection, which can support your cause. Something like at&t bundles can be very useful in this department because of its dependability. The same goes for the modems and routers you use. The computers you use, especially if you have in-house graphics team, should be formidable enough to withstand and properly perform any task required of them.


4.) Using Third Parties:

History gives us countless examples where using third parties in your work activities can greatly affect your business. There are only two situations really; they can either make or break your digital positioning. People often employee third parties to take care of their social media presence and campaigns for instance. But what they don’t seem to consider is that their own employees know their business the best. The way they can promote your business or engage in discussions over various platforms would be much more detailed and effective as compared to an outsider.

Usually the core incentive for third party companies such as advertising agencies is to generate profits. What you intend to deliver is the core essence and strengths of your business which is meant to captivate the audiences. This difference in objective can be very clear when they fail to deliver what is actually expected of them. Saying that, such third parties can be very effective as well as long as you know how to use them properly. Your lack in human capital and technological expertise can very well be catered through them. A good practice is to outsource just a certain part of an operation rather than the entire thing. This will help you keep things under your control.

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5.) Failing To Improve Your SEO Strategy:

The demand for SEO is increasing globally with good reasons. In the digital community, SEO caters to each and every aspect of your website to improve its ranking over various search engines. If your digital presence is suffering from an SEO perspective, you need to take that seriously. Outsourcing SEO activities is a common practice these days but before that, you need to work on your strategy. Define the various goals, which you intend to achieve from it and base it all on a timeline. An in-house SEO specialist or a proper team would be very beneficial in the longer run as your business grows.

A good practice is to implement those strategies initially which have been previously tested to bear results. For instance, include your primary keywords into your Meta description, your URL and content in a natural manner. Including visual and interactive elements throughout your website will also promote customer engagement. Keep in mind that the algorithms used by various search engines are altered and improved in a regular manner. A white-hat (legally allowed) activity could be considered as a black-hat (legally wrong) activity with the change in a single update. So it is imperative that you stay up-to-date with the latest happenings in the SEO world to make the most out of it.

6.) Ignoring Abandoned Carts:

Digital presence isn’t just to attract customers. You also need to sell your product to your customers. A number of instances people form a buying decision through your website, open the cart and end up abandoning it midway. There are multiple reasons, which can lead to this.

Primarily, the navigation isn’t efficient or supportive enough which confuses the audiences. Make sure that everything from the individual pages to the cart and all the way to the check-out page is well aligned and in a proper flow. Incorporate all the previously mentioned factors especially the SEO optimization aspect for a higher conversion rate. The price elements should also be accurate throughout the website. Any variation could directly affect your reputation in a very negative manner.

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7.) Repeating The Mistakes Of Others:

We ought to learn from the mistakes of others. In the domain of digital marketing, it is important that you take guidance from the work that has already been done. With thorough research into various case studies, you know which decisions to make under various critical circumstances. These can also guide you in devising the perfect strategy, which suits your business environment. Entrepreneurs especially might face difficulty in their digital marketing quests since the territory is relatively unknown to them. They can learn a lot regarding the various mistakes in the past and plan accordingly. Note that it is of utmost importance that you stay updated in your marketing knowledge and its implementation. A certain strategy can become obsolete in the future so you need to have contingency plans to overcome such obstacles.

8.) Improper Result Measurement:

Your results speak volumes. Remember that in order to effectively evaluate various strategies, you need to check if you are getting the desired results. There are various tools, which can be implemented to get an account of the actual numbers. Google Analytics for instance is very useful and can help you predict the future trends and act accordingly. Remember not to base your actions on short-term findings because these could very well fluctuate. Various months represent sales dips, which need to be taken into account. If you manage to use your numbers to your advantage then you are definitely on the right track.

Taking proper care of all these mistakes would help you with your digital marketing efforts considerably. The important aspect is to be as consistent as possible. You might be well tested and certain aspects will be much harder to cater to as compared to others. But with the proper efforts and the right mind set, success is just around the corner.

Robert JamesAbout the Author:

Robert James is an MIS with a vast experience and research on personal and home security tech and gadgets. He also write on at&t bundles. He is an MMA Fighter and Technology enthusiast with a will to act. Tech Writer and Researcher with a flare to review the latest security tech and gadgets.

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