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3 Chat Scripts For Your Website To Facilitate More Interpersonal Interaction

The sources of online communication and digital marketing have taken some giant strides, the likes of which seemed improbable a decade back. While there have been remarkable transformations in multiple domains, there are a few communication tools and techniques that have remained timelessly relevant. And online chat is at the top of the heap of such tools.

Now, we had those Yahoo Messenger days till a few years back that had taken the online social engagement to a whole new level – almost on the scale of Facebook and Twitter of today. Now, you may have moved over Yahoo Messengers and the AOL Messengers of the days of yore, but there are  businesses that still find chat scripts extremely useful for facilitating communication with their customers and within their organization.

Why All The Fuss Around Chat Scripts:

Thanks to the uninhibitedly growing technology, the whole concept of online chatting has seen transformations of very high scales. But when it comes to businesses, they like to keep things pretty formal and fuss free. That said, the growing technology has also meant that businesses don’t have to completely rely on standalone messengers for communicating with their clients.

While Skype continues to rule the business circle, there are a number of companies that are instead relying on the built in chat windows on their websites for effecting a seamless communication channel. This way, they make themselves available to a much larger band of audience which may or may not have an account on Skype. All a visitor needs to do is to fill out a 2 line detail and he/she is connected to an executive from the company and involved in real-time chatting.

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Leveraging these, companies can get a direct feedback from their customers, hear out complaints on a platform that is private to them, ensure that the disgruntled or dissatisfied customers don’t have to go to some online customer complaint forums to vent out their grievances (while a section of customers shall still go ahead and do it, but there is also a larger section who believe in communicating their issues to the company executives first). Based on the feedback, companies can change their strategy or modify their product in a way that it suits the customer requirements just fine.

The Best Chat Scripts:

Due to their ever growing resourcefulness, the brands need to embed these chat scripts in their websites and leverage the best out of them for the benefit of their business. Following is a compilation of 5 such intuitive scripts that combine great features with user friendliness and serve as the perfect interface for you to communicate with your customer:

1.) AJAX Chat:

The Ajax chat script is a concoction of powerful features and capabilities that emanate from the fact that it is powered by a suite of platforms like PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript. This has meant that the script, apart from being smooth is also quick during its loading and you can tailor it exactly the way you want it to function like. The admin panel is made amazingly easier to use and you can change configurations seamlessly. Also, the script can easily be installed it is also compatible with different devices and operating systems. It facilitates creating private groups and you get access to the Relay commands which elevates the script over the other tools on similar lines.

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2.) Easy Chat:

The script remains true to its name and provides the site managers a fuss free way of interacting with their visitors. This is again based on PHP and gives you a free rein over the kind of features you want your application to make a boast about. It is easy to install and configure and does not throws at you any sort of compatible issues whatsoever. A feature that you can really find helpful is the lack of need to  install any database. Installing databases means you need to have quite a high budget and also hire some experts who would ensure seamless and flawless integration of the chat script. And no matter how small is the screen size of the Smartphone of your user, it fits right in.

3.) WSN InstaChat:

WSN InstaChat has again takes great leaps towards innovation and sophistication of chat scripts in the sense that it has provided site managers with new kinds of web capabilities. Powered by PHP, it lets you know when the person on the other side of the chat is typing in text in the chat window and also provides an overall smooth communication channel for your brand and your consumers to communicate over.

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As the significance of real-time and more interpersonal communication between a brand and it’s current and prospective customers increases, these chat scripts are going to find an increasing relevance in the market. And if you are a business owner still contemplating as to whether you need them for your business, put all the doubts to rest and get one of these installed right away.


Claudia JhonsonAbout the Author:Claudia Jhonson is a blogging enthusiast with a professional degree in web development. At present, she is employed with Magentax Ltd, a globally-recognized name in the Magento web solutions and services domain. She loves writing blogs on latest trends.

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3 Responses to “3 Chat Scripts For Your Website To Facilitate More Interpersonal Interaction”

  1. iliyas shaikh says:

    dear Claudia Jhonson
    very nice article Thanks very much

  2. upender kaushik says:

    thanks sir for suggest for chat plugin..

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