You Are Viewing Posts Under Category: HTML Codes

How To Customize Radio Buttons And Checkboxe Buttons With Pure CSS?
August 18th, 2023 | 0 Comments | CSS Codes / HTML Codes / HTML-CSS-PHP-JavaScript | There are so many tutorials on the internet which help you to create custom checkboxes and radio buttons, but almost all of them use JavaScript or jQuery, which is totally redundant nowadays. If you want to give radio buttons and checkboxes a custom style but only want to use HTML and CSS (so no Jav...
How To Control And Disable Browser Cache And Cookies With HTML?
January 29th, 2023 | 0 Comments | HTML Codes / HTML-CSS-PHP-JavaScript | You probably see words cache and cookies on daily basis. When you visit a website for the first time, your browser saves (caches) pieces of this site. That’s why every time you click Back or Forward, your browser doesn’t need to pull fresh files from a server. Caching is a usefu...
Pure HTML5 Collapsible Accordion Multi-Tabs Without CSS And JavaScript
October 29th, 2022 | 0 Comments | HTML Codes / HTML-CSS-PHP-JavaScript | Using the Details and Summary tags it is possible to create a collapsible accordion with no JavaScript code or CSS. Check out the Codepen post below for an interactive demo. Use the web for a short amount of time and you’ll no doubt bump into an accordion, one of those collapsible elements th...
How To Embed PDF File In Your WebPage Using Pure HTML5?
September 26th, 2022 | 0 Comments | HTML Codes / HTML-CSS-PHP-JavaScript | It’s time to know that how to embed a PDF file in an HTML page directly. Some websites tend to show pdf files directly on their site’s webpages instead of giving a download link for the files. Thanks to HTML5, you can also do the same with simple HTML code without using any third-party solut...
How To Create 3D Rotating Square Box Cube Using CSS3?
June 17th, 2022 | 0 Comments | CSS Codes / HTML Codes / HTML-CSS-PHP-JavaScript | CSS is a beast, especially when you are in a learning phase, it is fun to practice different properties. CSS webkit animation properties are interesting to play around with for creating attractive animations for your site. This article will create a simple CSS rotating cube widget using keyframes. W...
How To Create Organization Chart Using Pure HTML & CSS?
June 11th, 2022 | 0 Comments | CSS Codes / HTML Codes / HTML-CSS-PHP-JavaScript | You may have lot of requirement to display structured content in a HTML CSS. It could be an organization chart or a Sitemap of your site which you want to showcase to the users. Though no one does offer any default apps or elements so that you can easily add custom organization chart in web site ...