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EXEIdeas – Let's Your Mind Rock » HTML-CSS-PHP-JavaScript / JavaScript Codes » Most Used HTML DOM Events Attributes For WebDesigners

Most Used HTML DOM Events Attributes For WebDesigners

DOM (Document Object Model) events allow event-driven programming languages like JavaScript, JScript, ECMAScript, VBScript and Java to register various event handlers/listeners on the element nodes inside a DOM tree, e.g. HTML, XHTML, XUL and SVG documents. Historically, like DOM, the event models used by various web browsers had some significant differences. This caused compatibility problems. To combat this, the event model was standardized by the W3C in DOM Level 2.

There are many more HTML DOM events that are not use commonly by designers but if you want to know about them then you can view HTML DOM EVENTS

Table of Contents

Common/W3C Events:

There is a huge collection of events that can be generated by most element nodes:

  • Mouse events
  • Keyboard events
  • HTML frame/object events
  • HTML form events
  • User interface events
  • Mutation events
  • Progress events
onclickScript runs when a mouse click
ondblclickScript runs when a mouse double-click
onmousedownScript runs when mouse button is pressed
onmouseupScript runs when mouse button is released
onmouseoverScript runs when mouse pointer moves over an element
onmousemoveScript runs when mouse pointer moves
onmouseoutScript runs when mouse pointer moves out of an element
onkeypressScript runs when key is pressed and released
onkeydownScript runs when key is pressed
onkeyupScript runs when key is released
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