You Are Viewing Monthly Archive: April 2014

How To Make Active Menu Anchors Link OnClick Through CSS?

Here we are with a CSS code that you know already if you are a pro or you have seen this many times in blogs and websites of single page. This menu bar is actually for anchors menu link that mean this menu bar will work on same pages links. This work is simple like […]...

jQuery Image Zoom On Hover Plugin For Blogger And Website

Here we are with a WordPress Plugin that after some customization, working for blogger too. This codes is known as “Easy Zoom” By “CSSGlobe“. In blogger, you have to do some tweaks to use but after one time editing, it will be soo easy as in WordPress. There are many script a...

High PageRank Dofollow Free Social Bookmarking Sites For Backlinking

After sharing many articles on backlinking as A Huge List Of High PageRank .GOV Sites To Get Backlinks, Free High PageRank BackLink For Your Blog And WebsitesGet Free High PR .edu Site For Backlinks To Increase Your Rank, here we are with another list that contain a huge list of free social bookmar...

Myriad Apps In A Smartphone To Facilitate Daily Activities Of Visually Impaired

The use of Smartphone is in vogue now. But being visually impaired cannot prevent your near and dear ones from enjoying using these phones. With the advent of technology, there has been a breakthrough which has enabled the visually challenged to use these portable devices with ease. Various apps are...

Add Different CSS To A Same DIV On Different Browsers And Different OS

Many bloggers want to add some different codes on different browsers to make better responsive sites becasue some css values different in different browsers. And in new era there are many new OS so for that, you have to be change too. Like if you want to share a div /text on a selected browsers [&he...

JuciyJuice: A Free Premium Responsive Blogger Template

Designer Site | Download | Live DEMO As you know about us that out main topic here is to share ideas and tips that you are receiving daily but in side by side, we are also designing template and sharing it with you free of code so you can also make your blog good because design i...

Awesome EXE-Style POP-UP V-4 Widget For Blog And Website

As We Have Describe Earlier That What Is This? So If You Are New To Here Then First The Full Information And Introduction About It At Our Previous Post That Is POP UP Domination For Blogger And Website… Since Start, We Have Released Version 1-2-3 That You Can Collect From Our Main Article...