You Are Viewing Monthly Archive: February 2014

Top Five Android VPNs – The Key To Ultimate Online Security
February 28th, 2014 | 0 Comments | Guest Post / Mobile / Mobile Tips | I am in love with my Android phone nearly as much as a teenage boy. Yet, the most recent Android platform vulnerability has put the techie lot, including me, on guard. The briskly swelling Android base is at risk from vulnerabilities in the Android platform, which can, at best, be described only as ...
Lite Loading Social Sharing Buttons Without Any JavaScript
February 27th, 2014 | 4 Comments | Blogspot / Blogspot Social Sharing / Website / Website Social Sharing | Hi, this time we are with a new code that is actually for a social sharing widgets. Its a alternate of official social sharing button that are 99.99% in JavaScript or JQuery that can make your site load time too hight but here we have the same feature in HTML-CSS only. Here there is no […]...
Maximizing The Potential Of BYOD: 7 Essential Tips
February 26th, 2014 | 0 Comments | Business Needs / Guest Post | The number of mobile devices is one of those numbers we can’t even keep track off anymore. Smartphones, tablets, and phablets now stand at millions of shipments, and already in use. The rise of the mobile is a phenomenon that’s both exciting and nerve wrecking since there’s so...Mobile Development: Is Agile Methodology A Good Fit?
February 25th, 2014 | 0 Comments | Guest Post / Mobile / Mobile Development | Since the beginning of the 21st century, there has been massive enthusiasm with respect to advancements in mobile technology. High-end mobile devices such as iPhones, iPads and tablets are swarming the market. With the latest trends and statistics suggesting that more users will access the internet ...
Using Google Drive For Students Feedback – A Great Tool For Home Schooling
February 24th, 2014 | 2 Comments | Guest Post / Internet / Internet Information | As a teacher or trainer, you will very often be called upon to give feedbacks to your students. You will additionally have to assess examination papers and check them for plagiarism. The traditional way of giving feedbacks used to be done on papers. However, it is more advantageous to do it in a com...
A Complete Guide To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing
February 23rd, 2014 | 0 Comments | Guest Post / Internet / Internet Marketing | Affiliate marketing assume an indispensable part in the current era by promoting many e-trade site and business in the internet search engines like, Google, Yahoo and Bing and so on. Apart from blogger seo, This is the single quickest development industry on the web. Marketing on the web is truly an...