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Seven Reasons Why List Building Isn’t Working For You

Seven Reasons Why List Building Isn't Working For You

When list building works, it really works. Combine the right product with the right email list and there’s literally no faster way to affiliate riches. Unfortunately however, like many affiliate marketing techniques, it’s something that many, many people get wrong.

Selling things to the right list is easy. Building that list in the first place however, well, that’s a little more complicated. And there’s arguably nothing more pointless than a subscriber list devoid of subscribers.

Should you find that your list building efforts are currently going unrewarded, here are seven possible causes.

1.) You Broke The Cardinal Rule:

If there’s one thing that you can’t do when trying to build a list, it’s outsource the task i.e. buy a ready made list from somebody else. In theory, it sounds like a great idea. After all, list building is time consuming, why not get a nice head start?

Unfortunately however, when you purchase a list, you miss out on one vital thing, permission. And contacting people without their permission is one of the worst first impressions that you can make.

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2.) You’re Not Split Testing:

If you want to maximise conversions, you can’t just throw up an opt in form and hope for the best. Trial and error is everything, you need to experiment.. Keep changing things, one at a time, until you are certain that you’re making the most out of your sites traffic.

Seven Reasons Why List Building Isn't Working For You

Surprisingly, this is a mistake that even experts make. It doesn’t matter how well a particular opt in form works on another website, you’re flying blind until you actually test it on your own.

3.) You’re Not Giving Anything In Return:

Why should anyone sign up to your list? If the only reason is a fancy pop up, it’s no wonder that your list building efforts are going unrewarded. Email abuse is rampant and as a result, the average web user is very wary about who they give their email address to.

It’s therefore vital that you provide a real incentive for doing so. A free gift of some kind isn’t a dirty trick, it’s a logical requirement of a successful list building campaign.

4.) You’re Not Active Enough:

Most marketers know that there’s no faster way to lose subscribers than to email them too often. In doing so, you not only run the risk of boring people, you obviously start to look like a spammer.

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Contrary to popular belief however, failing to email subscribers often enough can be equally damaging. If your subscribers don’t hear from you regularly, they’re likely to forget about you. And people rarely trust product recommendations from strangers.

5.) You’re Trying to Sell Too Much:

Internet marketers build lists with one goal and one goal only in mind, to sell. Unfortunately however, nobody signs up to a list just to be sold to.

Seven Reasons Why List Building Isn't Working For You

In return for the occasional sales pitch, your subscribers expect something in return, namely an interesting newsletter. And if you’re not willing to provide one, it doesn’t really matter how many subscribers you collect, you’re going to lose them all one by one.

6.) Your Newsletter Is Boring:

Don’t mistake the term “interesting newsletter” for random email that doesn’t try to sell anything. If you want your subscribers to stick around, the newsletter that you send out actually has to have some value.

At least twice per month, you need to write something that your subscribers are actually likely to read. And it needs to be something that upon doing so, they are going to find entertaining, useful, or ideally, both.

Seven Reasons Why List Building Isn't Working For You

List building isn’t just about collecting subscribers, it’s about learning how to engage those that you already have

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7.) You’re Not Worth Subscribing To:

Finally, we have the small matter of your website, is it actually worth subscribing to? The first step of a successful list building campaign is building an effective website. And if you haven’t already built one, is it any wonder that you’re struggling to find subscribers?

Your site needs high quality content and a professional design. Unfortunately, if visitors to your website don’t trust you, there isn’t an opt in form in the world that’s going to get you their email addresses.

About the Author:
Jitendra Agrawal(Jeet) is an internet marketer, basketball fan and co-founder of an internet marketing company GetLinksPro. Jeet has worked in internet industry for more than 10 years.

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