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Why Content Is Important For SEO?

Content is king! We all might have heard this phrase numerous times. But have you ever wondered what it means? Why is content called the king? Does it have any importance in SEO or Search Engine Optimization? In this article, we will be unravelling the importance of content for SEO and how we can create top-notch content to enhance our websites to boost their rankings in the search engines.

What Is Content?

To convey in simple words, content is any form of information that you are displaying on your website. It could be an image, video, audio, animation, blog or just a few sentences.

Content helps in determining what your website is all about and this information is not just necessary for your audience but also for search engines.

For instance, let us consider the scenario of how Google understands and ranks a website. In layman terms, the Google search engine crawls through and indexes a website based on its content like the keywords, the context of the website etc. It uses the information present on the website to rank it in the search engine. The more valuable your content is, the higher it will be ranked by Google.

Well, of course, there are other factors such as traffic on your website that also contribute to your rank on the Google search engine. But the highlight here is that both your audience and the search engine should understand your website.

How are they going to do so?

It is your content that will make the magic happen!

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In all, content is any form of information that helps in clarifying the purpose of your website and brings value to your audience. If you can answer the queries of your customers easily through your content, the search engine would not keep you away from the top SERPs.

How Good Quality Content Benefits SEO?

1.) Content Helps In Incorporating Keywords:

Search engine optimization works on keywords. These are the common, popular phrases that help people find content on the internet. So, if you incorporate better keywords in your content, it will become much easier for your audience to find your content. This in turn will indicate the search engine about your popularity and your search engine rank will increase. Keywords are also important to fight the competition with similar brands and upcoming competitors.

2.) Content Helps In Enhancing The User Experience:

Your content can keep users glued to your website. Many websites are unable to rank well just because:

  • their content is not unique
  • they have no latest blogs
  • users find it difficult to navigate through the site
  • there is no helpful information for new users

Things like an about us page, adequate landing pages, frequently updated blogs keep your website alive and engaging for the users and in turn for the search engines.

3.) Quality Content Means More Sharing:

Creating top-notch content for your website or blog will compel more and more people to share your ideas. For instance, some other bloggers might want to incorporate your content in their blog posts. Similarly, good quality content has higher chances of re-sharing on social media and other platforms. All of this increases the reputation of your website indicating that people trust your content which is what the search engines are looking for to boost a website’s rank.

4.) Good Content Writing Means Good Content Marketing:

If you are creating unique content for your website, which intends to bring value to your customers or website users, it will be much easier for you to market that content. And, we all know that search engine optimization strategies are created around content marketing which means that the better the content marketing, the better the SEO.


How To Create Content That Promotes SEO?

Now we have understood that content plays an important role in search engine optimization. Here are some tips that will help you in creating top-notch content and stay on top of the SEO game!

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#1) Know What Your Customer Wants:

In other words, understand your audience. You must know who they are, what interests them, what problems they are facing, what they dislike and so on. Many marketers call these the “pain points”. Once you have an idea of these pain points, you need to create content that would bring your customers some relief. Here’s what you can do to know your audience better:

  • Conduct surveys, interviews
  • Read comments on social media, blogs and websites
  • Explore forums and Q&A sites
  • Check reviews on Amazon, or other related websites
  • Take feedback from your customers

#2) Choose Intriguing Topics For The Blog:

You cannot solve all the problems in just one post. But you can always help! So take into account the pain points of your audience and narrow down your content into multiple blog pieces. You can use tools like CoSchedule Headline Analyser to check your headlines. You can choose Google Adwords to find the best relevant keywords for your post. You can check for trending topics on the internet and measure the competition. Target the topics with high traffic, because high traffic means more interest.

#3) Create Overall Compelling Content:

You have to choose the best of words to express yourself but sometimes other things can help your content find its worth. For instance, you can do the following to achieve this goal:

  • Make sure that the design of your blog post is top-notch. Use images, gif, or even a short video (since video content is being appreciated the most lately).
  • Add the element of storytelling and emotion for your readers. Even Google promotes conversational content these days!
  • Use real-world examples, data, facts and figures to prove your point. Always acknowledge the source!
  • Most importantly, research as much as you can. Do not just think of paraphrasing content that is posted on the other three websites in the Google SERP. Add your element!
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#4) Take Care Of The Fundamentals Of SEO:

Certain things are now implied when it comes to writing content for SEO. These are optimised keywords, readability, tone of the content, formatting, length, and linking. Make sure that your content is readable. Break your content into pieces, add bullet points, use headings, write simple sentences and add images. Here are a few more things to consider:

  • Always take care of the flow of your content. The information that you present should be delivered in a logical sequence.
  • Make sure to address questions of your audience through your content (the main purpose of content writing!).
  • Make sure your headlines match your content. Do not diverge from your path.
  • Make sure to add a call to action for your readers so that they can play their part and help promote your business.

Wrapping Up:

This was my bit to help you understand how important your content is for the SEO of your website. Many times website owners and online marketers focus on polishing their website, choosing fancy fonts, investing in marketing campaigns but give less importance to content. Considering the points mentioned above, one must give equal importance to content speech writers if they want to enhance their search engine rankings. What do you think? Is content still the king when it comes to SEO or not?

Emma JacksonAbout the Author:

Emma Jackson is a specialist in content writing, blogging and exploring new topics. Emma is also a part contributor to GoAssignmentHelp. She loves to write topics like marketing, education and assignment services.

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