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How To Test Your Internet Ping Time Without Any Software Or Tools?

In case you play games on the net, you may want to test your ping time and energy to any game server or website to determine how good the bond is or isn’t. Doing so is actually a pretty straightforward process once you are free to your command induce. Have a dilemma? Get an solution from online technological support now!

To “ping” your working computer or to ping the IP address simply ways to query that IP address to see when there is a response. If the response returns via the ping, the IP address around the pinged computer is actually live. A user may possibly employ the ping purpose when troubleshooting an internet site ., email application as well as network connection. By way of example, a webmaster may publish a brand new website on a particular IP address. He checks the IP address in a very browser but receives a “404” error–a “page not found” error. The vital thing the webmaster may do is always to ping the IP address to see if it’s receiving web site visitors. If the ping returns with a answer, then he is aware of the IP address is OK and the problem most likely is a result of issues in the page code or on-line server. Have a question? Get a solution from online technological support now!

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While there are several ways to determine when the network connection on your hard drive is working, a ping test allows you to determine if your connection to an IP address or website is actually properly functioning. Every time a ping test is actually initiated, the computer efforts to send a packet towards address. Once the address receives the ping, it will send a box back. If your laptop receives the box, the ping test is prosperous and the connection is properly working. Have a dilemma? Get an solution from online technological support now!
Ping Test

How To Check Your Ping Time?

Step 1:) Open a DOS window. To do this in XP and Windows Server (2000, 2003), click “Start,” then click “Run…” A dialog box will appear over the Start button. In Vista, click “Start.” A search box will appear over the Start button.

Step 2:) Type “cmd” in the Run dialog box in XP and Windows Server. In Vista, type the “cmd” command into the search box.

Step 3:) Look for the DOS window to appear. At the “C” prompt in the DOS window, type the command “ping” along with the IP address or URL to query. Example: ping will invoke a response from this IP address or you can also try a website like ping

Step 4:) Look for ping results to appear in the DOS window directly below the ping command. If the IP address “answers” the ping, repeating lines indicate that a reply from the IP address has been received or no response was given from the address.

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Step 5:) Review the repeating responses. If the ping receives a reply from the IP address, several repeating lines will read: Reply from (IP address)–along with other data. If the ping does not receive a reply from the IP address, several repeating lines will read: Request timed out. Look at the summary of results at the bottom of the window after you stopped the ping test. You should see the fastest (minimum) and slowest (maximum) times as well as the average time. A shorter ping time is better because you can load webpages and play online games in real time with less delay. Also listed is the packet loss. Lost packets mean they never made it to the server or the server didn’t reply. With low-quality websites on bad Web servers, you might lose a couple packets, but to Google, you should have 0 percent loss.

Last Words:

This is what we have and shared in easy steps for newbies so that they can easily know how it works. Stay with us because we are going to share a whole guide step by step about Internet and make it easy for you. If you liked it then share it and be with us to get next tutorial. If you have any problem then feel free to ask us. We will help you with what we can or have.

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4 Responses to “How To Test Your Internet Ping Time Without Any Software Or Tools?”

  1. Satish Ratna says:

    Excellent blog…thanks for sharing such things…its very interesting…i’m searching for this information from long time…

  2. rumah says:

    wonderful tips, thank you for this
    i just know that we can use Ping from our own pc, usually is use software to do that

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