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How To Boost Your Readers’ Engagement The Right Way?

As everyone running blogs probably knows, the trick is not getting someone to visit your website, but getting them to return – or, as specialists usually call it, grow the readers’ engagement. This is not measured in the number of Facebook likes or Twitter followers, as these metrics can be artificially boosted in a number of ways. Unique visitors per day is also not the perfect metric. The one that says the most about how engaged your readers are with your publication is how many of them actually consume your content, and return for more.

Best Way To Grow Readers Count:

One of the best way to grow reader engagement is to create content worth sharing, according to internet expert, blogger, best selling author and entrepreneur Seth Godin. This sounds a lot like the ancient saying that states that “content is King”, but with a twist – the content needs to be original, readable, valuable, and appealing enough to the reader for it to be worth sharing with friends, co-workers and relatives.

Read Your Readers First:

Stirring up the emotion of the readers in order to move them toward commenting – engaging with the content you have created – is the method that works best for Dino Dogan, author, speaker, social media consultant, blogger and entrepreneur. There are several ways you can get readers to comment – and writing with too many grammatical errors is not the best one you can choose. Dogan considers the best way to do this is to polarize – expressing an opinion about one side of the story, and letting readers argue with your opinion, and ultimately with each other. This strategy will get readers return to the page to look for answers to their comments. Just don’t let the discussion deviate too much from the original idea expressed by the article itself.

What To Do To Garb Visitors:

Internet marketer / blogger Devesh Sharma considers one of the biggest mistakes a blogger / publisher could make is chasing after A-listers (bloggers / publishers with a celebrity status, on the top of the food chain) and focus on building relationships with your own peers instead. The above mentioned A-listers often enjoy their celebrity status too much to even care about those below them – and most of the times they, as well as their dedicated readers, consider them to be too much above anyone else to care. Oh, and he also agrees with Seth Godin on the content – you need to write epic sh*t, as he puts it.

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Last Words:

And one personal note to conclude: advertorials, native advertising and reviews written with the goal to sneak in an affiliate link are things your long time readers will spot first. Mark them visibly in their title (put a “sponsored” sign of some kind in its title, and write a short phrase about the fact that it was a sponsored post in the footer) so they won’t dismiss you as ‘just another wannabe hungry for money‘. I’ve seen readers go away from a blog for less…

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