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DDos Threat – Why Do Most Organizations Remain Unprepared For This Threat?

DDos Threat - Why Do Most Organizations Remain Unprepared For This Threat

Get to know the DDoS Threat: Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDOS) is an attack to your system where a number of requests, usually infected by a virus, are sent to your server causing it to either delay connection or completely shut it down. This can target your system by either using up all your bandwidth or loading it up with thousands of application calls. Because the attack comes from several sites, blocking one won’t really do anything significant.

A survey proved that 44% of the companies are not prepared for this threat which goes to show that DDOS might target one of your income-generating websites without you knowing it. Despite the fact that technology is booming with all the solutions for online threats, companies remain unguarded with this new attacker.

DDoS Costs Companies Millions:

Because of failed online security, most companies attacked by the DDoS threat are doomed to lose about 3.5 million a year. The silent attack of this threat cannot be easily detected until you are flooded with worthless traffic. This will bring your site’s traffic down since authentic visitors cannot be accommodated anymore. In turn, this will result in a wasted time, a decrease in productivity and drop in your revenues.

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DDoS Mitigation Processes Require A Big Amount Of Investment:

Despite the reports of multiple system attacks and company losses, business sites tend to shut their ears from the effects of this threat. One of the reasons is that complete protection from all threats, viruses and malware attacks is a big investment. DDoS mitigation can be bought at a staggering price of at least $100,000 yearly. With this amount, companies prefer to stick to their firewall and antivirus security systems which do nothing to prevent DDoS from crawling to their sites.

DDos Threat - Why Do Most Organizations Remain Unprepared For This Threat

Lack Of In-Depth Knowledge Of The Company’s Network Maps:

Another reason why companies are still unprepared for DDoS attacks is that there has been no clear plan set should they experience system attacks. Some companies do not have in-depth knowledge with their site’s network maps which disables them from tracking their network’s traffic. With this, genuine and malicious traffic generating sites cannot be identified making these business sites even more vulnerable to DDoS attacks.

Unable To Update DDoS Protection System:

Amongst these reasons, one of the revealing truths of company failures presented through a survey was that companies who were able to buy a mitigation process in defense of their system has failed to update it when the need arises. Without an updated security, they are lowering down their DDos protection and putting their money in a useless investment.

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With the constant upgrading of technology comes a greater attack meant to threaten and harm every income-generating site. The answer to this can be found at an investment that might render you full protection despite the price it poses. Other times, it just needs to be updated to ensure full functionality.

What Can You Do To Protect Yourself?

As outlined recently on Exeideas, there are ways to protect your business against all kinds of Cyber threats, but regarding DDos and web application threats, you can use a service like Fireblade to monitor your site’s health and security. The demand for such services is constantly increasing, especially for businesses that rely on their online activity.

While protection can be a bit too pricey at times, the losses that might be incurred should this be set aside might be a bigger. Check your network maps, invest and go deeper into your site’s traffic information before it is too late and the DDoS threat finds its way into your system.

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