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Seven Best Ways To Create Awesome Whiteboard Animation Videos

You must have seen training videos on YouTube and Facebook where people use the marker and whiteboard to talk about a scenario. These are called whiteboard animation videos and they are in high demand today.

Why? Because everyone that is working on their business is using these whiteboard animation videos to attract users. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the best whiteboard animation videos for your business.

1.) Create A Script For Business:

Writing a script is the first stage in making an animated film. The screenplay is the foundation of any video, and it will make the rest of the process (storyboard, artwork, animation, etc.) much simpler.

Your script should have a proper framework (a beginning, middle, and finish) and material should be handled strategically. Your scenario should focus on: What, Why, and How of the business and it should be explained properly within the video you want to create.

Remember to keep a whiteboard video script educational when writing it. Instead of just selling, you’re explaining and instructing. Whiteboard videos are unique in that they allow you to break down complex concepts into bite-sized chunks that are easier to comprehend.

2.) Creating A Storyboard:

A storyboard should depict all of your video’s key scenarios to ease the process for artists, animations, and voice actors (and basically everyone else involved in the project).

You may think of it as a rough draft for the pictures, or you can design the screens and link each one with its own section of the screenplay. Choose the method that works best for your animation team, but don’t forget about the storyboard! Storyboarding is an art in itself, you need to create an interesting hook and maintain that aura around the video to match the audience interactions.

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3.) Focus On Elements That Boost Brand Awareness:

Is it necessary for your whiteboard animation to be black and white, with a simple framework and nothing else? Certainly not! Sure, there are some aesthetic conventions to follow, but you may also have fun with it.

Especially if your entertaining aspects are designed to increase brand recognition. Put some colour in there! Use the visual components that help your business stand out—your brand’s colours, logo, and even noises all matter when it comes to creating a video animation for your brand.


4.) Connect With Your Target Audience:

Involving your viewers in your story is a terrific way to boost the performance of animated marketing films. And it might be very useful as an additional layer of personalization in your whiteboard animation films.

Not every one of your characters has to be a human! Take a look at these cute bright shine dolls. A fantastic approach to achieve this is to develop characters based on your consumers’ personas and represent your audience in your video so they can identify themselves.

Create characters that are visual representations of your audience to assist your message to resonate with your viewers, giving your completed video additional impact.

5.) Keep It Simple :

People browsing data online have a short attention span and are constantly multitasking. Think about your own screen. How many tabs are open? Are you paying attention to every tab at once? This is something impossible to attain. That is the case with almost everybody that is looking at your data.

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That is why it is so important to make your video simple for the users. It should be small, easy to comprehend, easy to digest and offer a solution to the problem that people are facing. Your product should act as the solution as that is the only way you can double your audience’s attention and retain users.

If you produce a short whiteboard video, you have a better chance of keeping your audience’s attention throughout. Most users online have an attention span of fewer than 30 seconds, by keeping your videos around that time, you not only keep their attention but you have a higher chance of converting.

6.) Never Compromise On Quality:

Promotional clips, of any form, are the most effective method to transmit your brand’s messages to the rest of the world. They reflect your company’s values, thus they must always strive for excellence.

It may sound harsh, but in the perspective of customers, poor quality content equals poor quality items or companies. A brand that has high standards for its content, on the other hand, is considered reliable and trustworthy.

It’s all about science. The study of behaviour.

As a result, ensure that your company’s whiteboard pictures and animations are of excellent quality. If you lack the essential talents, that’s absolutely fine—there are several tools and firms available to assist you with animation and video creation.

7.) Interconnect – Create A Series:

The best way to keep your whiteboard video animation story alive is to connect it with another animation idea. People love stories and people are impressed the most by the stories that they see again and again. By creating video series for your business, you can directly gain traction, build engagement, and make memorable videos that potential customers will remember for days to come.

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Ready To Make Your Whiteboard Animation Videos?

Whiteboard animations are wonderful for educating your audience since they are easy to digest and they transmit ideas in a straightforward and visually appealing manner. These animation videos help in the communication of any subject, no matter how complicated.

They make it visually engaging by combining the power of narrative with innovative visuals. They utilize animated characters modelled after your consumer profiles to unify the tale and provide a personal touch to the user.

You’re now ready to start making your own whiteboard animation films. Get your markers ready and start scribbling!

If you don’t know how to create whiteboard animation videos for business, we have the best team available that can do the job for you. Discuss your whiteboard animation videos with our experts and see how they can come up with the right whiteboard animation video services for your business.

Mack ChrisAbout the Author:

Mack Chris is an SEO specialist with more than 5 years of experience in promoting and marketing brands in the digital world. He loves to read and share his digital marketing experience with the rest of the community. In his spare time, He do’s Video Animation, he enjoys drawing, sketching, playing football, and going swimming.

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