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How To Gain Traffic From Articles Through Social Network?

How To Gain Traffic From Articles Through Social Network?

Social media websites might have been started with the idea of helping people stay in touch, but they’ve evolved into something much more complex. In order to stay competitive in today’s business world, companies have to connect with their niche market through social networks. In addition to using the networking sites to alert customers to special events happening on your website, you can also gain web traffic from your article through social networking sites.

Sound complicated? Relax. It’s actually a pretty simple process.

The Articles Have To Be Amazing:

The process starts with the articles. Not only will you be promoting the articles, but you’ll also be encouraging others to share the articles. Normal, generic SEO Content writing won’t be good enough. These articles have to be awesome.

Great articles share several features:

  • They have compelling titles; titles that stick in reader’s memories and make them want to read the article over and over again.
  • Awesome articles deal with a topic that’s interesting and hasn’t been written about excessively.
  • The content in the article is very good. In addition to being well written, the article contains accurate facts and good resources. 
  • The articles need to make the reader think about the topic
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The article should conclude in a manner that readers feel compelled to visit your website and learn more. If you don’t have the talent or time to create the type of content needed to increase website traffic, you can hire Article Writing Services that will do the writing for you.

Gain Traffic From Social Network?

Share What You’ve Written:

As soon as the article has gone live, it’s time for you to hit your social networking sites and start promoting the link. Don’t assume that you can get away with sharing the link a few times and it will be enough. You want to promote the article several times over a few weeks so all of your fans have a chance to see it. Providing enough promotion without seeming spammy can be a delicate balance act.

  • Tagging your promotional post with a catchy line that varies each time your hit post will make it seem new and interesting. 
  • Post at different times of the day.
  • Put several interesting, non-promotional posts between the promotional ones. 
  • Always make sure you answer any questions or comments your followers direct towards you.

Encourage Sharing:

You want your fans to share the article with their friends and family. The article should be interesting enough that this will happen organically, but there’s no reason you can’t give the process a nudge. Encourage your fans to share the article. Don’t be afraid to offer rewards for sharing. Things like free giveaways, even for small things like a package of pens or free ebook download, often provide the incentive and excitement needed for the article link to get passed onto hundreds of people.

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Look at the articles you’ve posted over the years. If it’s been a few months since you’ve promoted one, you should change that right now. Who knows, it might even go viral!

About the Author:
No one knows marketing better than Mark Long. His Article Writing Services are the best in the business. Most of his SEO Content writing works often goes viral. He takes pride in his reputation for working closely with clients and providing smooth content for his content writing company.

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