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How To Add Separate Meta Description In Each Blogger Post?

Separate Meta Description In Each Blogger Post

After some new updates in blogspot interference, Blogger staff add some cool and SEO helpful tools in it. There are many new features like new dashboard, custom 404 page, header tags, custom robot tags, threaded comments, new template editor, and one of the most important features is “Meta Description or Dynamic Meta Description“. This is the most important feature of blogger update that can stand it in front of WordPress that is considered a SEO optimized blogging platform as you also think.

It is also a helpful step for search engines like google itself that it now didn’t have to find some text from article body, It can easily show the text from description. The main features is that we don’t have to add every post description in blogger template with HTML that can make heavy our template. We just have to put some words while writing the post and it will automatically become our description tag for that post.

What Is A Meta Description Tag?

Meta description tags, while not important to search engine rankings, are extremely important in gaining user click-through from SERPs. These short paragraphs are a webmaster’s opportunity to advertise content to searchers and to let them know exactly whether the given page contains the information they’re looking for.

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The meta description should employ the keywords intelligently, but also create a compelling description that a searcher will want to click. Direct relevance to the page and uniqueness between each page’s meta description is key. The description should optimally be between 150-160 characters.

Meta Description Tag For Home Page And Each Post In Blogger:

Blogger released description tag features for two side on a blog. Home page and post page. As we described that you can add description tag in your post, you can also add it for your home page and in cleare way, it’s important to add description tag on homepage before proceeding to postages. Some guy’s add description tag in blogger template that is quite bad for SEO because on every post, the description will be same so after using this features, you can add different description tag for different blog pages.

How To Active Meta Description Tag In Blogger And Add For Home Page?

1.) Go To Your
2.) Open Your Desire Blog.
3.) Go To “Setting” Tab.
4.) Click “Search preferences“.
5.) Now Look On “Meta tags” Heading.
6.) Click Blue “Edit” Link Under Upper Heading.
7.) Now Select “Yes” From “No“.
8.) Write Your Desired Description Text For Your Blog HomePage. (Remember meta description allowed upto 150 character exceeding the limits are not allowed. write upto 150 characters or less that will be better.)
9.) Click “Save changes“, Now You Are Done.
10.) Didn’t Get It Then See The Tutorial ScreenShot Below.

How To Add Separate Meta Description In Each Blogger Post?

Now from the above procedure, you have successfully enabled your dynamic description tag for your blog. If you are using Blogger Default template then you don’t have to do the below changes otherwise if you have a custom template or by third party then add the below meta tag code in your bloge <head> tag one time only to fully active this dynamic description tag.

How To Add Dynamic Description Meta Tag In Blogger Template?

1.) Go To Your
2.) Open Your Desire Blog.
3.) Go To “Template“.
4.) Click “Edit HTML“.
5.) Now Click Within Code Box.
6.) Press [CTRL+F] To Search </head> Code.
7.) Now Copy The Below Code And Paste It Before </head> Code..
8.) Click “Save Template” And Done.

<!-- Blogger SEO Dynamic Description Meta Tag By EXEIdeas Start -->
<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>
<!-- Blogger SEO Dynamic Description Meta Tag By EXEIdeas End -->

How To Add Meta Description Tag In Blogger Post?

In the above tutorial, the activation of dynamic description tag is done for homepage and each and every blog post page. In plus we also describe that how to add description text for blog homepage above. Now it’s turn to add description text for your every blog post. You don’t have to add description text of every blog post in blogger template because there is a new box for description text in your post editor. You have to add your description text there and through our above dynamic description meta tags, it will be fetched automatically from your that post and will be shown in your meta description tag code.

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So finally it’s active for blog post page now here we will describe how to add description text in your every post while writing a new post of editing someone old.

How To Add Meta Description Text In Each Blogger Post?

1.) Go To Your
2.) Open Your Desire Blog.
3.) Write A New Post And Edit Someone Old.
4.) Look At The Right SideBar.
5.) Now Click On “Search Description” Text..
6.) Write Your Description Text About Your Post.
7.) Now Click “Done“.
8.) Click “Publish” Or “Update” And Done.
9.) Didn’t Get It Then See The Tutorial ScreenShot Below.

How To Add Separate Meta Description In Each Blogger Post?

Now you have perfectly added the description text on your post. You can also edit your description text again and again free.

Some Rulez:

1.) Alway Add The Description Text Within 150 Characters With Spaces.
2.) Use Our Online Character Counter Tool To Get The Perfect Count.
3.) Your Description Text Should Be A Complete Sentence Not Like Keywords.
4.) Use Less Amount Of Helping Verbs, Pronouns And Articles.
5.) Your Description Text Should Be Different With Your Post Title.
6.) Write Description Text Related To Your Article Data.
7.) Try To Compress Your Whole Article 150 Character Via Keywords But Full Sentence.
8.) Always Keep Different Description Text For Easv Post.
10.) Don’t Worry If You Can Edit Your Previous Posts, SE Will Automatically Fetch Some Words From Your Article Body.

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Last Words:

When it was released, we edit all our previous post and add their description text and got a huge increment in our visitors that cause our earning too. So we advise that give some time and add description text on all of your previous post also.

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8 Responses to “How To Add Separate Meta Description In Each Blogger Post?”

  1. Marik Joseph says:

    Hi, thanks for sharing this information, i have read your whole article; I would like to share this information to my friends.

  2. hasan bro am facing some problem implementing this.send you a mail already.hope you got that.thank you.

  3. Rizwan Shajahan says:

    THis is a really important step to make your blog search engine friendly
    Thank you for giving us such a good tutorial

    Rizwan @ Blogger Kid

  4. Manoj Kumar Rana says:

    Thanks Bro For Briefly Describing How To Add Meta Description in blogger post, After Reading Ur Post i Got Total Idea and its helps me lot

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