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How to Change Home, Newer Post and Older Post Link Into Button In Blogger

How To Replace Newer, Older & Home Navigation Links With Image Buttons?
Default page navigation links in blogger blogs are simply not appealing. At the bottom are of your blog it shows two links such as “Older Posts” and “Newer Posts“. Few times readers get confused with these links. So, it’s better to change these page navigation links with some cool images or texts. Using some quick HTML edits we can rename these navigation links and can also customize them to look better.

How To Replace In Blogspot?
1.) Go To Your
2.) Open Your Desire Blog.
3.) Go To “Template”.
4.) Click “Edit HTML”.
5.) Now Check On “Expand Widget Template”.

6.) Replacing The Older Post Link:
Search For <data:olderPageTitle/> And Replace It With Below Code…

<img src='' style='border: 0 none;vertical-align: middle;'/>

7.) Replacing The Newer Post Link:
Search For <data:newerPageTitle/>  And Replace It With Below Code…

<img src='' style='border: 0 none;vertical-align: middle;'/>

8.) Replacing The Home Link:
Search For <data:homeMsg/> And Replace It With Below Code…

<img src='' style='border: 0 none;vertical-align: middle;'/>
Some Buttons URL Here……….

Next Page:
Previous Page:

Next Page:
Previous Page:

Note: For More Button Please Visit This Article…
Newer, Older & Home Navigation Buttons With Links
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Is ‘Website Navigation’, A Real Deal…???

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