There was a time people were so hooked up on Kaspersky that they couldn’t buy a computer that didn’t have it. They would literally choose a low-spec PC that has Kaspersky that choosing a gaming PC with Bitdefender. This is because of the reasoning people have about free stuff they don’t know about.
A person will forego a free antimalware which probably works the same way as the paid one just because they trust the one with the price tag more. If the person would understand why the paid antimalware is being sold, then maybe the choice would be easier.
So does the free Antimalware really work? Yes, and yes! The free antimalware software work using the same principle as the paid one.
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So Why Not Make All Of Them Free?
Apart from securing your computer from threats, an antimalware software also comes with other unique features that add extra security better user experience. These features differ from program to program.
This is why you have to pay for some of the anti-malware software. There are some high-performance antimalware software programs that can be downloaded for free protection and then offer extra features at a low price.
As you also know, offering cloud services requires some investing and maintenance. If a developer included such a service in the package, it is either he charges you for the service or let it come out of his pocket.
Which option will you go for? Anyways, those are not the only reasons that some antivirus software programs are being charged. There are much more to go, but it doesn’t mean that you are unprotected with the free antimalware.
The question you should be focusing on is which antimalware program suits you best. Since the services and mode of operation differs, not all of the antimalware programs in the market will be perfect for your PC.
There are a few factors you should consider while choosing an antimalware. Here are the main things to consider:
1.) Computer Specs:
As you all know, features like RAM and CPU determine the performance of a PC. With a weak PC, you cannot be able to run a demanding application on it.
Same goes for antimalware programs. You need to choose a light program that can run perfectly on your computer. Most of the developers usually include the system requirements on the download page, hence it is easy to determine whether or not it will work well on your PC.
2.) Price:
No one wants to be ripped off, right? There is no point of buying a cheap PC and buying an antimalware software that costs more than it does.
Great antimalware program costs between $10-$50. Anything above that is less than fair.
3.) Operating System:
You should consider which OS you are on before buying the program. Some people end up buying a Mac product for use on a Windows PC.
You should also consider the OS version too. Just as you cannot run some Android apps on older phones, some Windows software may not work on your PC.
This is because of API differences. This requirement can also be found on the download website.
One of the good things about the free antimalware programs is their low impact on performance. They are usually light programs, hence don’t take up space and use less CPU.
Even after subscribing to the premium features, the impact on performance remains minimal, hence your PC continues to operate the same way as it always has.
Tests on bigger antimalware programs prove the opposite. They usually drain your PCs performance during startup and virus scans.
How Does An Anti-Malware Detect New Malware?
You might have wondered how an anti-malware detects newly released malware. First of all, antimalware programs have a database of virus manifestations that it uses to determine whether the behavior of a certain program is suspicious.
Sometimes, most of the antimalware programs detect false positives. You may have received a message like “report as false positive” or “restore and report”. If the file is found to be clean, it’s manifestation is going to be removed from the database and updated accordingly to every user.
For new threats, on the other hand, the infection may start to affect your system. When you do a scan of your whole PC and a virus is found, the details are going to be uploaded by the antimalware to the servers and the program involved is flagged as a malware.
In the real sense, some of the data on virus manifestations come from the millions of users who have installed the app. It is not like the developers are just sitting on their couches all day waiting for that to happen.
Tests are usually done to determine the behavior of a virus or malware. This is to help reduce the number of people who will be affected if one was released.
…It is not as complex as you think…
Most viruses and antimalware programs have a specific mode of operation. For example; a Trojan Horse virus can easily be detected by the way it behaves. It is easy for an antimalware to differentiate between a Trojan and a Worm just by the behavior.
You can learn more about how malware and antimalware work on this antimalware blog.
What To Do Before Antimalware Installation:
People usually remember to install an antimalware once the computer is already infected. If this is the case, you should first erase all the infected files for an uninterrupted installation.
There are certain viruses that block installation of some antiviruses, Avast being an example. You’ll find the antivirus loading up to some point and abort the installation abruptly.
Even if the antimalware/ antivirus software succeeds in installing, the virus will keep its real-time protection off. The Antivirus will lay dormant, paving way for more infection within the system.
Formatting the drive is the most recommended procedure. If you do not want to lose your previous files, just install over the old copy of Windows and the files shall be saved in the Windows old directory.
Thank you sir for Free Anti-Malware Software Really Work, that’s what many installation blocked by antiviruses, Really Great stuff keep following more.
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