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Natural SEO Vs Pay Per Click – What’s Better?

When it comes to online marketing, there are many different strategies that can be used to drive traffic to your site.  Two of the most popular strategies, SEO and pay per click advertising, are often pitted against each other.  Which one is better?  The truth is, there’s no clear answer to that.  Each of these marketing methods has benefits and drawbacks.  Both can be effective, and in fact, they can both work together in a combined marketing effort.

Let’s look at both SEO marketing and pay per click in turn.  From there, you can decide which option (or a combination of the two) might best suit your marketing needs.

Table of Contents

Natural SEO:

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of getting a website ranked highly within the search engines.  This not really one online marketing strategy, but really an umbrella term that is used for several different methods of getting a website ranked as highly as possible in the search engines.  These methods include:

  • Social bookmarking
  • Link building
  • Article directory submissions
  • Press release distribution
  • Blog posts
  • Sitemap creation
  • Keyword placement
  • …and more!

Applying one or more of these strategies can take a while to bring a new website to the search engines’ attention.  With natural SEO, the search engines rank the websites based on the highest number of clicks that a site receives from a search engine result, so it’s important to ensure that your site is ranked as highly as possible.  On the upside, each of those clicks you receive won’t cost you anything.

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How do you get your site ranked highly?  Content is king, baby.  Good content drives a natural SEO marketing campaign, so it’s a good idea to hire experienced writers to populate your site with blog posts and articles, as well as distributing press releases and submitting articles that lead back to your site.

Pay Per Click SEO:

Pay per click (or PPC) SEO marketing is a services offered by search engine giants such a Google.  Essentially, it works like this:  You pay to optimise your website for certain keywords.  Your advertisement will then appear as sponsored results in the search engine, ranked very near the top and often in coloured boxes to make them stand out.  The benefits of PPC advertising is that it’s quick.  It’s a virtually instant way to get traffic directed to your site.  That can mean increased business, too.  The downside is that the amount of traffic you get to your site is directly related to the number of clicks you get.  Because you pay for every click you receive on your search engine link, if you decide to scale back your advertising budget you’ll get less traffic to your site.

So, when considering making a choice between these two methods of online marketing, ask yourself this:  Which is more important to you, quick results or more affordable results?  If you have a bigger advertising budget and want quick results, PPC could be the best answer.  If you have more time to build traffic to your website and want to save some money, natural SEO might be the best choice for you.  Or, if you want the best of both worlds, combine the two!  An online marketing company can help discuss your best options.

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6 Responses to “Natural SEO Vs Pay Per Click – What’s Better?”

  1. Leslie Wheeler says:

    Thanks so much for sharing this valuable information! It’s truly helpful! Personally, I choose natural SEO since it’s easy to use for me.
    Once again, appreciate your efforts in gathering the resources!

    Regards, Antonio”

  2. shafiul shahid says:

    That’s Is very Helpful Information For me To increase value My site by seo.Natural seo Is helfull to us so that’s Is the reason why I personaly choice Natural seo.

  3. Satya says:

    This helped me allot thanks for great guide and different between SEO and PPC

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