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What Is Google Disavow File And How To Write A Perfect File?

Google released the particular disavow tool so that you can help Website owners combat unsolicited mail and aid “ignore” any kind of links which might be pointed on their website that is not removed via link treatment attempts.

Matt Cutts mentions the tool was designed to help webmasters that have engaged inside ‘paid inbound links, blog unsolicited mail, guestbook unsolicited mail, link unsolicited mail, low quality articles’ and desire to clean way up those one way links but weren’t able to via conventional removal demands.

It’s imperative that you note the disavow application should only supply after exhausting all web page link removal makes an attempt. At instances Webmasters will probably be unresponsive to requests, as well as demand the removal cost for eliminating links. In situations like these it is best to submit most of these links via the disavow application.

What Is A Disavow File?

A disavow file is a .txt file that contains instructions to Google – it’s used to let them know that you’d like them to ignore a bunch of links that are pointing to your website, usually because they’re having a negative impact on your rankings, or could do. A great disavow file contains both root domains and links to individual pages along with comments detailing your removal attempts for each of the links, where necessary.

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Example Of A Good Disavow File:

# Negative SEO Attack - ALL SPAM Domains
# Made Contact: 06/10, 10/10, 18/10 with No Response
# Directory Network - Trying to Charge for Link Removals


  • Files should be saved as a .txt file and be encoded in UTF-8 or 7-bit ASCII)
  • One link, domain per line
  • We recommend disavowing the entire domain, not just the URLs. This ensures that you are properly disavowing all links from an unnatural domain rather than just a specific URL. For domains the format is “”, without quotes.
  • Notes can be added to the txt file, however these files are automatically analyzed without any humans reviewing them. That means that the notes are for your records and use only, it will have no effect on the disavow submission.

When Should You Submit One?

If your rankings have suffered recently, or even if they haven’t but you think they may in the future then it’s probably a good idea for you to consider submitting a Disavow file. Submit a Disavow file if you’ve built or purchased low quality links or an SEO you hired has built or purchased low quality links or you’re seeing a large number of links appearing from a negative SEO attack.

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How To Submit Disavow File?

Step 1:) Go to Google Disavow Tools.
Step 2:) Sign in your Google WebMaster account.
Step 3:) Select your website/blog for which you have to submit.
Step 4:) Now upload the txt file and submit.
Step 5:) Its done.

Last Words:

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2 Responses to “What Is Google Disavow File And How To Write A Perfect File?”

  1. solar says:

    This is great post shared by u. Thanks for sharing.

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