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3 Solid Reasons That Make Blogging A Must For Web-Designer

3 Solid Reasons That Make Blogging A Must For Web-Designer

World Wide Web has become one of the most preferable platforms for acquiring and sharing knowledge about different subjects. Irrespective of the vast ocean of advantages that come along with the internet, there are people who fear using it for their benefit. One such majority of people is the Web Design community.

Well, there are numerous web designing professionals who have not yet explored the online blogging domain and are hence quite far from exploring the adverse possibilities of marketing their web design talent digitally. This blog of mine will act as an eye-opener for all such web designers who fear indulging in online blogging for their own good.

Firstly, Why The Hell Web-Designers Fear Blogging?

Well, there can be a lot of reasons why web designers fear blogging online. Below, I’ve listed few of the major ones:

1.) Fear Of Digital Marketing:

Most of the web designers prefer staying away from online blogging merely due to their constant fear attached with the digital marketing concept. They believe digital marketing would snatch away their web design passion and they won’t be able to come up with innovative ideas. With a lot of importance being given to brand promotion via blogs, web designers feel blogging is restricted to just promoting a website and not the ideas and opinions of a web designing expert.

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2.) Fear Of Copywriting Issues:

If you too are a web designer who’s reluctant in writing a blog, I’m sure one of your reasons behind this decision would definitely be the fear of web design theft. Blog writing doesn’t encourage web design thefts. This is a fact that needs to be realized by every web designing professional.

3.) Fear Of Receiving Bad Critiques:

Let’s be honest! Each one of us fears bad remarks for your work. The same rule applies to web designers as well. They fear receiving negative feedback on work sample that’s included within their blogs and hence prefer to refrain from blogging.

3 Solid Reasons That Make Blogging A Must For Web-Designer

Now, The Reasons That Make Blogging Mandatory For Web-Designers:

Now that you’re familiar with what makes web designers fear blogging, let me introduce you to some amazing reasons that make blogging an absolute necessity for the web design expert.

Reason No.1 – A Tool For Building A Strong Network Of Web-Designers:

As the very first reason, blogging allows you to build a strong connection with other experienced web designers who have handled ample number of web design projects throughout their working years. By sharing information related to your experiences of designing websites/web applications, you can easily grow your network and get to learn a lot about the other things that can aid you in building a stronger career into website designing.

Reason No.2 – A Brilliant Platform For Showcasing Your Web-Design Talents:

Whenever you get a new web design project, how many times have you felt that your talent will get wings and your work will be showcased in the right manner? I’m sure many of you might not be confident in answering this question. With online blogging trending since the recent years, it’s better to opt for writing blogs that are related to the work done by you. You may choose to offer tips and tricks that have helped you in delivering satisfactory projects. In addition to this, you may even include a list of live websites that have been designed by you. Prior to offering this list, make sure to restrict the access to your blog or else it may just get vulnerable to the hackers.

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Reason No.3 – A Proven Tool For Improving Your Communication Skills:

Blog writing demands a lot of patience on the part of writer. If you’re a web designer, then you can truly benefit from writing blogs on the latest technologies that have been introduced in the world of web designing. Irrespective of your English writing skills, you may choose to write blogs on a regular basis. You may fail in your initial write-ups but as you progress writing multiple blog posts, you’ll definitely be able to hone your English writing skills to the fullest. You’ll also be able to groom up your English vocabulary and get to know about the method of writing blogs in a easy-to-understand format. You don’t need to attend any special English learning class, unstoppable blog writing will be more than sufficient in assisting you with the enhancement of your writing skills.

Restricting Blog Access Is Crucial For A Serious Blogger:

I hope after going through the above reasons, you must be all fueled up to start your blog. But, prior to that one very important point that I want to bring under your notice is that if you’re planning to include a detail that has greater chances of getting used by the deceptive individuals then make sure to restrict the access for your blog. You may ask the readers to register on your blog prior to gaining the authorization to read the blogs written by you. This will not only prevent your details from being hacked but will even enable you to know which readers are actually serious about grabbing serious web designing knowledge.

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Wrapping Up:

Blogging is a vast field and as a web designer, you can easily make the most out of it. Just make sure the topics you cover in your blogs are well in-line with what the readers are looking for. If you’ve the talent, don’t wait for showcasing it to the world. Indulge in online blogging now and see how your web designing skills will be appreciated and recommended by the web designers’ society that comprises of both, amateur as well as top-notch professionals.

About the Author:
Mike Swan is a blogger by mood and web designer by profession. He gives ideas to convert PSD to wordpress theme and loves to share his thoughts on social media. You can log in to his web (Markupcloud Ltd ) for various other conversion services

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