Found 90 Search results for the term "checked".

Top 10 & Common Reasons MacBook Crash On Startup

MacBooks are renowned for their reliable performance, but just like any other computer, they can and do occasionally crash. When this happens at startup, it can be especially frustrating since the mac...

How To Control And Disable Browser Cache And Cookies With HTML?

You probably see words cache and cookies on daily basis. When you visit a website for the first time, your browser saves (caches) pieces of this site. That’s why every time you click Back...

Dark Mode Theme Switch Button On Full Website With sessionStorage

This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a dark mode toggle button with local storage to save dark mode settings. The toggle button adds a class name to the body element and changes the whole ...

Add Check/Uncheck All Checkbox Input Button Using Pure JavaScript

This JavaScript code snippet helps you to check and uncheck all checkboxes using three different methods. You can integrate any method to allow users to select and deselect all checkboxes at once. The...

The 8 Critical Factors To Consider When Choosing A Toyota Service Center

When it comes to choosing the right Toyota service center, can become a very time-consuming and stressful experience. This is because there are many different types of companies that work on Toyota ve...

How To Delete Duplicates From Adobe Lightroom?

If you’ve ever suffered from duplicate photographs when managing your Lightroom database, you’re not alone. Despite the fact that Lightroom is a powerful tool, coping with duplicates may b...

Pure HTML5 Collapsible Accordion Multi-Tabs Without CSS And JavaScript

Using the Details and Summary tags it is possible to create a collapsible accordion with no JavaScript code or CSS. Check out the Codepen post below for an interactive demo. Use the web for a short a...