Found 5 Search results for the term "styling items".

Full Featured Custom Video Player Using HTML5 And JavaScript

Video Player is must have a tool for a website that has videos to play what about if you do not want to use the browser default player for your videos that do not match your website styling and demand...

How To Create Resizable Split DIVs Using Pure JavaScript?

Resizable containers empower different users to customize a UI to emphasise what they find most important. A basic implementation of this is a split view or split pane, allowing users to enlarge conte...

Top Best WooCommerce ECommerce Themes For WordPress

Digitization has taken over the world and all businesses are creating online stores to keep up with the changing business landscape. Whether it’s a clothing store or a coaxial cable retailer, everyo...

How To Validate/Identify Deprecated HTML Tags In A WebPage Using PHP?

Deprecated tags and attributes are those which have been replaced by other, newer, HTML constructs. They are still included in the HTML draft or recommendation but are clearly marked as deprecated. On...

Building A Thumbnail Gallery With Responsive Web Design

The surge in the number of users, browsing the net through smartphones and tablets have led web developers in creating responsive web designs that enable a smooth navigation, and enhances user-experie...