Thanks to the proliferation of the internet, it is now easier than ever to make your own website from scratch. Many companies go this direction if they are sole proprietorships or are just starting out. Plus, a DIY website can function as a placeholder until you can afford a web designer to create a more extensive online space. If you are leaning toward creating your own site, here are some important factors to consider before you get started.
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What Are The Goals Of The Site?
Are you trying to sell something? Educate site visitors? Support a worthy cause? Knowing what you want the site to achieve will help keep you on the right path by indicating directions you don’t need to go. The overall plan for the site will depend on the answer to the what-is-my-goal question.
What is Your Business Identity?
What type of feel do you want your site to convey? If you are listing hiking opportunities in your area, you probably want a naturalistic feel. If you are selling construction services, you may want to focus on geometric angles or the beauty of raw materials. Florists may choose a more intricate site design. Any DIY platform you use to make your own website should offer many different templates so you can find the perfect fit.
How Many Pages Do You Need?
One of the current trends for simple websites is a “one-page” format, where all the information is listed vertically as the site visitor scrolls down. There is minimal navigation away from that one page. This may be an option if you don’t have a lot of content just yet. However, if you need 10 or more individual pages, it’s best to go with a traditional website format.
Do You Need E-Commerce?
If you will be selling items directly from your site, you’ll need some sort of e-commerce portal. Some DIY website services have a built-in standard while others will let you choose a shopping cart partner from a list of options. Each has its own set of rules and fees, so be sure to research them all. If you won’t be selling on your site, you can skip this part.
What Is Your Budget?
Although there are a few services that offer free templates, you should expect to pay at least some fees for things such as web hosting, domain registrations and perhaps security certificates. Be sure to research each DIY option and find the fee structure that matches your budget.
Which Builder Matches Your Style?
Finally, most services that help you make your own website have their own intrinsic aesthetic. For example, Square Space offers templates that have a lot of white space and are pretty austere, no matter which option you choose. If this does not suit the style of your company, keep looking until you find the right fit.
There are dozens of online platforms that can help you build your own website from scratch. Having the answers to these basic questions in mind from the outset will help make the design path a lot smoother.
This was a really great guide. Loved every bit of it. I’d suggest you guys do another lesson on java script too; since that’s a huge part of making websites.
Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view.
Thank you for your grat tips and advices, as a newcommer in bloggin it was very useful.
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