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How To Make Your Website Mobile Friendly And Rank Higher In SERP?

When you think of bringing your business on the web to grow your market, you have to be familiar with the value of SEO which is an abbreviation of search engine optimization. So, SEO can be referred as the most powerful way to grow the competitiveness of a business online. It gives great advantages to boost the position of a business in a market segment as it helps in brand enhancement, bring more customers, create repeated customers and drive in more sales.

So, if you commit to gain your extreme business potential, then putting effort to enhance your SEO tactics can be helpful. Though SEO is not an easy practice because every now and then, search engine introduces some changes in policies and as per current policy, all the non-mobile friendly websites will be penalized by it as a responsive website design has become mandatory for businesses.

So, to enjoy complete advantages of SEO, you cannot ignore mobile friendly website while designing your own. Google’s mobile friendly update has made it mandatory for website owners to look for services to get responsive website design or redesign mobile friendly website immediately.

What Is Mobile Friendly Website? – Let’s Find It Out:

When we talk about a mobile friendly website, we clearly mean a website that should fairly respond to mobile users. Such website works flawlessly on desktop as well as on mobile due to responsive website design. This type of website is being optimized to be browsed on mobile phones like tablets and smartphones. On the contrary, the non mobile friendly websites cannot be accessed from mobile devices as they are designed only for PCs and laptops. In mobile optimization, the website automatically sets to new display size and thus, responds to users on all types of devices.

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Get Mobile Friendly Website To Rank Higher In SERP:

As per the mobile friendly update by search engine, it has become mandatory to get mobile friendly website as it boosts the SEO in different ways as below –

  • Faster time of loading
  • Higher mobile ranking in SERP (search engine results page)
  • Low rate of bounce
  • Growth in repeat visitations
  • Enhance social sharing
  • Enhanced click through rates
  • Growth in backlinks

Checking If Your Website Is Mobile Friendly:

After learning these benefits, you must be interested to know how to check if your site is mobile friendly or not. Well, for this purpose, firstly check the mobile-friendliness of your site which is very simple. You can easily find mobile friendly test tool on the Google to check if you have mobile friendly website or not. This tool also tells how a website is mobile friendly. So, if it tells that your site comes under non-mobile friendly websites, then you have to look for solutions to redesign your site. At this stage, you should go for responsive website design that makes a site mobile friendly.

Discussing 3 Ways To Make A Mobile Friendly Website:

After the mobile friendly update of search engine, having a mobile friendly website is not just a matter of taking advantage of it, but it becomes a requisite thing for businesses. Today, majority of online users are available on mobile and they use mobile to check any information related to any subject. So, if your website does not respond them on the device they use to fetch information, they won’t feel good and won’t prefer to browse it again. So, it leads to poor user experience and hence, succeeding in online business is next to impossible until you satisfy each and every visitor with proper information by responding on every device. Here, we are going to tell you 3 ways to make a website mobile friendly and do good in online business.


Tip 1 – Make A Mobile Version Of Existing Website:

If you want a quick solution for mobile friendly website, then making a mobile version of an existing website using any conversion platform such as Duda Mobile or bMobilized can be helpful.

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Though it is highly simple alternative to get compliance in your website, yet it needs one to get two different websites. So, managing both websites altogether will be a daunting thing for you and it will also make users irritated when they get less information and content available on new mobile version of your website.

Tip 2 – Take Help Of Mobile Plugins Available On Famous CMS Platforms:

All the famous CMS platforms like Drupal, WordPress and Joomla feature multiple solutions to create a mobile friendly website. There are useful plugins available there which you can use to make a mobile friendly website. Moreover, in this process, you don’t need 2 different versions also.

Mobile Plugins Available On WordPress – On WordPress, you can easily find a number of plugins that help making a mobile friendly website. WPtouch is one of that kind of plugins which adds a custom experience in a site. It is a paid plugin which comes with extra features effective for ecommerce websites. WordPress also has another mobile plugin named JetPack that helps implementing the current mobile theme to feature mobile access to users of that site.

Mobile Plugins Available On Drupal – Just like WordPress, Drupal also features two mobile plugins to get mobile friendly website. MobileTheme and ThemeKey are two modules which detect if a user is using a mobile and after that, switches the theme of the site automatically to mobile appearance. Both have simple interfaces and work greatly to provide access to mobile users for a website.

Mobile Plugins On Joomla – Those who have website made on Joomla platform can use mobile plugins named JoomlaShine and Responsivizer which feature easy ways to provide mobile functionality to a website.

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Tip 3 – Get Mobile-First Responsive Website Design:

Both solutions mentioned above are to be used on temporary basis until the redesigning process of a website does not get completed. Though if you seek permanent solution of this concern, then the best idea is to get mobile first responsive website design for your existing site.

When it comes to design a website using mobile first concept, you need a good planning on how users will use it on mobiles and a study what would tell you about prioritizing your content on the website. It also raises a question that if the site is not required on a mobile device, will it work on desktops.

So, with responsive website design, you get the best mobile level experience; however enables for improvements in the design and features of the site as it goes on bigger screens.

A responsive website design makes it assured that your website will conform all the devices having different screen sizes. Regardless to the size of a device – tablet or smartphone, your website will remain same on mobile as well as on desktop versions.


So, these are few tips that you should immediately take into action if you want to rank higher in SERP. Get a mobile friendly website not because it is a requisite element mandated by search engine, but because to give the best user experience and give a good impression of your brand to your customers.

Whatever You Do, Do it Now:

Each option has pros and cons, but in my opinion it is best to get your site mobile-optimized before planning an update. In reality, it can’t hurt to reevaluate your current site and spruce things up.

About the Author:

Amber Moore is a Web Developer with 6+ years experience.

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8 Responses to “How To Make Your Website Mobile Friendly And Rank Higher In SERP?”

  1. very informative blog. i am really enjoyed your blog. This blog is very helpful for every one. keep it on.

  2. Anupriya says:

    Nice Post with information that is really worthful for us. The way you have defined all the information is impressive. Thanks

  3. Nice post dear . I like your post thanks for sharing .

  4. Avantika says:

    I face some sort of issues with my blog. I find, I have a different ranking for the same keyword in laptop and mobile. Then, I change my website and made it mobile fiendly.

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