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How To Use Free Web-Hosting Websites As Free Domain Name?

How To Use Free Web-Hosting Websites As Free Domain Name?

Now i am going to tell you How To Use Free Web-Hosting Websites As Free Domain Name? If you want a domain name that is available on a free web-hosting website so you don’t have need to create a website over there, you can simply use that was a only domain name provider for your pre-built website. You can even use is for BlogSpot or WordPress or any services. This trick is best or better for free domain user to be stand in front of premium if they have good content. So Finally The Golden Trick Is Given Below In Easy Steps.

So Here We Have How To Use Free Web-Hosting Websites As Domain Name For Your Website Or Blog To Reserved More Domains For One Website Or Blog To Share It Widely And Make It Full SEO. Now Got The Simple Framed Code Below With Having A View On Features List.


1.) The Domain Is Able To Full SEO With Also A Better Ranking From Other Free Domain Provider.
2.) Quick To Load With Fast Reply From Server.
3.) Simple Code To Be Professional.
4.) Framed Style Embedding.
5.) All Keyword Enabled.
6.) Favicon URL Enabled.
7.) Simply Best For Free Domain User.
8.) With A Big List Of Free Web-Hosting Sites To Use.
9.) Ready To Go Code.
10.) Full Customizable And Can Add More Tags…

Recommended For You:
SEO For Bloggers: Optimising Your Content For Better SERP

How To Add In Website?

1.) Just Create An index.html Page On Web-hosting Site And Copy Past The Following Code On That Page.
2.) Save It, Now You Are Done.

<title>Your Website Title</title>
<meta name="description" content="Your Website Description"/>
<meta name="keywords" content="Your Website Keywords"/>
<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="images/favicon.ico"/> </head>
<frameset rows="*" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="NO">
<frame src="Your Original Website URL" name="Your Website Title" scrolling="auto" noresize>


1.) Change All The Red Text With Your Desire One As Described In The Code.
2.) Now Save Your Template.
3.) Now You Are Done.


If You Have Any Queries, Please Feel Free To Ask. The Best Way To Say Thanks Is To Share This Article To Your Social Profiles, E-Mail To Friend And Copy This Article To Your Blog With The Back-Link.


Now You Can USE Free Web-hosting Domain Name Easily…
Here Are Some Free Web-Hosting Providing Sites Link…

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18 Responses to โ€œHow To Use Free Web-Hosting Websites As Free Domain Name?โ€

  1. Erik Crofton says:

    I am sure you have a great fan following out there.
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  2. SYMBIAN KANJ says:

    salam mouhamad
    you mean i can use this Code in blogspot without been banned from google domain

  3. Web Hosting says:

    Hi Hassan,
    Thanks for sharing quite helpful info. I have a question that I have taken hosting space from hostgator and domain registration from bigrock and want to create blogs using wordpress theme. I want to know how to ingegrate all the 3 together and give one address for the public to view the content and images. Can anyone help me with step by step guidance.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Yes, These All Services Are Awesome, Use Some Third Part Dashbaord To Use WordPress Hosting, It’s Will Be Better Then Alone…

  4. Your Blog’s Information is really useful, After read your blog I know this.I like this.

    Keep up the great work, I’ve bookmarked for future reference.

  5. Lucky Singh says:

    Its not working, it displays a blank page, i am hosting on 000webhost,
    my site:
    Please tell some solution ๐Ÿ™

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Because You Are Not Using “http://” Frame Source URL….
      < frame src=”” name=”Faadu Games” scrolling=”auto” noresize>
      Use The Below Line Instead Of Above…
      < frame src=”” name=”Faadu Games” scrolling=”auto” noresize>

    • Lucky Singh says:

      Okay, thank you very much now its working,.. but is there any way to remove the frame, i mean that when someone types “” in URL Bar then he is redirected onto “” and in URL Bar also its written “”.
      I just want to do a simple web forward.. is there any script for doing so..

    • EXEIdeas says:

      No, I Just Check, It’s Not Redirecting. What’s Your Real Problem…???

    • Lucky Singh says:

      Your script is having no problem, and forget everything that i said in my reply…
      What I want is this:
      For example take this link from my blog:
      Now i want to ask that is it possible that the below URL will also go to the same page as the above one:

      Because its not happening in this script.. Before I was using and it worked I mean that: willl also go to the same page as in one.. but why its not happening in ..??

    • EXEIdeas says:

      No, You Can’t Use This Feature In This Because It’s A Frame Tag, It Means That At Every Visit, Your Both Sites Have The Views Not Single. It’s Just Like A Window. You Can’t Change The URL In This Code.

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