You Are Viewing Monthly Archive: June 2012

How To Add Stylish Borders Around All Blog’s Gadget/Widget?
June 30th, 2012 | 12 Comments | Blogspot / Blogspot Tricks | It’s a dream of every blogger that his blog should blink in the eyes of his readers, attractively. If content is the king, then Design is the palace and the royal palace must be decorated and varnished well . You can call a talented designer to design your castle, so as your blog. But in [&hel...
POP-OUT DIV From Bottom On-Mouse Hover Widget For Blog And Website
June 29th, 2012 | 2 Comments | Blogspot / Blogspot POP UPs / Website / Website POP UPs | On-Demand of our friends, we are here with a new code, Some of your friend want this code so that they can show there important data on every page but due to lack of space, they can’t do anything. Now it is solved so they can show there data to there wanted visitor if he […]...
Open/Show And Close/Hide DIVs On-Click By CSS Code Only
June 28th, 2012 | 6 Comments | Blogspot / Blogspot Multi Tabs / CSS Codes / HTML-CSS-PHP-JavaScript / Website / Website Multi Tabs | Many time ago i am also searching for it but everywhere i got the JavaScript code to open or show and close or hide a div id. As you can also see that on my earlier post but here i am back again with the same old design but with CSS code to speed it […]...
How To Remove “SUBSCRIBE TO: POSTS(ATOM)” Link From Blogger?
June 27th, 2012 | 6 Comments | Blogspot / Blogspot Tricks | Many blogger did not want “SUBSCRIBE TO: POSTS(ATOM)” link in the end of there every blog post as shown in the given screen shoot because they also have icon link to “SUBSCRIBTION OF POSTS(ATOM)” and did not want to mess up there template. So here is the trick for them. If ...
New Awesome “Facebook Recommendation Bar” To Increase Page Views For Blogspot
June 26th, 2012 | 12 Comments | Blogspot / Blogspot Social Sharing / Guest Post | Facebook introduced their new awsome social plugin called “Facebook Recommendation Bar” which allows users to like content, get recommendations and share what they are reading with their friends. It is a great way to increase your site page views as this plugin will display your most use...
How To Add Stylish Border Around Selected Widget Of Blogger?
June 25th, 2012 | 28 Comments | Blogspot / Blogspot Tricks | It’s a dream of every blogger that his blog should blink in the eyes of his readers, attractively. If content is the king, then Design is the palace and the royal palace must be decorated and varnished well . You can call a talented designer to design your castle, so as your blog. But in [&hel...