Found 99 Search results for the term "paragraph".

Simple WYSIWYG Rich Text Editor Using Pure JavaScript

This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a simple WYSIWYG-rich text editor with all basic commands.  It is purely built with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript without using an additional library or ...

Pure Vanilla JavaScript Responsive Image Slider With Text Over It

This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a responsive image slider with text. It renders a dynamic image carousel with a title, subtitle, background URL, and call to action link in each slide...

Convert Any String To Slugify Using Excel Function For Bulk URL Creation

“Slugify” is a term for converting strings into URL slug format. A URL slug, or just slug in this article’s context, is the part of the URL that comes after the domain extension. In this gu...

Pure HTML5 Collapsible Accordion Multi-Tabs Without CSS And JavaScript

Using the Details and Summary tags it is possible to create a collapsible accordion with no JavaScript code or CSS. Check out the Codepen post below for an interactive demo. Use the web for a short a...

10 Benefits And Uses Of Modern Technology In Sports

Throughout the course of this post, we will highlight at least 10 different ways in which modern technological advancements have made attending sports events more enjoyable for spectators. And what ar...

How To Find A Balance Between Optimized And Quality Content?

Search engine optimization affects your website in many different ways. Since it directly affects your website’s search rating, it is always a good idea to do SEO audits and improve the elements...

What Are Some Important Things To Keep In Mind Before Writing?

You are going to be writing. You are going to be thinking. In addition, when you register, you want to make sure that your writing keeps your readers engaged and interested in what they are reading. H...