Found 1389 Search results for the term "function".

PHP REST API Calling General Function With Header And Body Response

I was recently working on a project where I needed to integrate an external API using HTTP cURL requests. It was my first time doing this and I had a lot of problems figuring this out. I wrote this po...

How To Set And Add onClick Function On Elements Using JavaScript?

If you’ve ever used a form on a website, chances are you’ve interacted with JavaScript. It’s the technology that makes things like buttons and drop-downs work.  But what is it, and ...

Convert Any String To Slugify Using Excel Function For Bulk URL Creation

“Slugify” is a term for converting strings into URL slug format. A URL slug, or just slug in this article’s context, is the part of the URL that comes after the domain extension. In this gu...

Pure JavaScript Date Functions Lightweight Vanilla JavaScript

Javascript Date object is not very well-loved in the community. It is something Javascript adopted from Java but both grew in different directions. Its API can be confusing and lacks a lot of methods ...

4 Types Of Industrial Machines That Need Washers To Function

Nuts, bolts, and washers work together to safely and robustly fasten machines together. Almost every industry uses washers to help hold its equipment together. Here’s more about washers and a lo...

Business Functions And Records That Entrepreneurs Should Be Concerned With

When launching your startup business, you are undoubtedly preoccupied with the facility, the product or services, and reaching your customer base. However, from the beginning, you should give careful ...

JavaScript MD5 Function To Encrypt Your Strings Using Vanilla JavaScript

Do you want to encrypt your text strings on your browser at the client-side then you can use the javascript md5 hash function? So get a javascript md5 function to encrypt your strings using vanilla ja...