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Want To Rank Your App No. 1 In Google Play Store? Here’s How

The mobile application is taking place everywhere in terms to ease the user and provide more digitally swift service. Mobile app development world is working day and night to innovate new ways to optimize the app. According to recent mobile app technology news, there are about 3 million apps on Google play store. These applications are categorized in only 30 genre which makes a tough competition for each app.

Every Developer or owner wants its app to stand out of the crowd and ranked top. In order to your come at first place in Google Play Store, a developer needs to take care some points. If you want your app to rank 1 in Google play store you should go through all these factors thoroughly.

1.) Develop Something That Audience Needs:

If you want a precise path on the way to becoming a successful developer first understands the need of the audience. You need to build a product that people want and they want to use it regularly. Creating something by your own wish and hoping blindly that people will love it won’t take you far. First, you need figure out what is “ Need to have” not “Nice to have” to cover the first step in making a great app.

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2.) Role Of Organic Growth:

You need to be aware of stats like is your app getting paid download or organic downloads. Organic downloads refer as the direct download without any ads, facebook branding or any Google play store ads. Organic downloads can be done three best mediums content marketing, your app social media and in – app referrals. Google regularly checks the organic downloads and consider it to rank your app.


3.) Engagement:

You app need to be very interactive and inbuilt with functionality gives the user urge to open it again and again. If the user using your app frequently it will improve the ranking in Google play store. According to reports user interacts more than  1 hour per week with the top ranked apps in Store. Apps like Whatsapp and facebook are used almost more than 2 hours by the users. This clearly shows that how user’s  continuous engagement important to top the app list.

4.) Appstore Ratings:

This is one of the eminent factors in increasing the app ranking in the store. The best app in Google play store app has ranked somewhere between 4.4 and 5. To hold the 1st position you need to make sure you have an excellent rating. But don’t go for fake ratings as Google analyses the ratings with different analytics like time span and retention of the user gave 5 ranks. If Google finds out any dubious act it may cost you decrease in ratings by Google as a penalty.

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5.) App Store Reviews:

App store reviews by user play a vital role to define your app to both the potential users and Google as well. Google tracks the keywords like ‘love’, Great’ ‘, Good’, ‘Useful’  and other positive words in the review section. It also tracks the negative words like ‘Bad’, ‘waste’, ‘worst’ and others too for negative reviews from the user. You need to take the negative feedback very seriously and quickly contact the user to know the detail and work to make product flawless. The only way to get best reviews from the user ios to offer them the best product will desire functionalities.


These above factors crafts the path to take you app on the top in Google Play store ranking. You need work hard on these points regularly and you will see the result soon. Mobile applications are dominating the tech world due to its endless benefits and advantages. In the app store flooded with apps, you need to figure out a way to acquire the highest point.

Ariana JohnsonAbout the Author:

Ariana Johnson from US and presently working with one of the leading mobile App Development News Company. She work as a blogger for this company. She also manage a blog in which she always write something useful for her readers related to the new and old mobile applications news and techniques.

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