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Stop Worrying And Start Playing With Website & Web Applications

Stop Worrying And Start Playing With Website & Web Applications

PHP is the most vibrant and versatile language that is responsible for the immense power of web applications including WordPress and Facebook. Learning a new language is just not a piece of cake, so here we have bought a few tips that can help not only the wannabe web developers, but also the experts and professionals. There are many times when experts may also find them in trouble while working on PHP platform, but following all the necessary suggestions and tips can help them.

However, there are a number of things that might appear a pity facile for you, but when you will actually apply it, you will definitely find some obstruction. So, it is better to follow the tips instead of falling in the trap. Here, a few of them have been listed as below:

Top 6 Tips For Web Development Aspirants And Professionals:

1.) Ask For A Portfolio:

You must always have a thorough look in the portfolio developed by PHP developer. The primary reason being is that portfolio is that one that reflects the assorted types of successful projects which a developer has tackled in his entire career. This will also aid you to explore more and more about technical terminologies, imagination ability and creativity of programmer. Thus, you can add these inner capabilities within yourself as well.

Stop Worrying And Start Playing With Website & Web Applications

2.) Employ Aingle Quotes Around Array Indexes:

PHP encounters the unquoted index as bare string and therefore, it is deemed as adefined constant. When matched symbol is not found for the constant in symbol table, then it eventually transforms it to the real string and thus, your code will be executed. If you will quote the index then it will prevent the constant-checking stuff by making it safer for critical cases. However, it is also seven times faster in contrast to referencing an unquoted index.

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3.) Turn On Error Reporting:

Switch on all the error reporting to E_ALL while starting a new project and also turn it off ten seconds before you move to production mode. There is nothing better than executing the entire project in full production mode and not getting single error. Apart from this, with ON mode of error reporting, you may find various minute errors that might grow up and bite you in future.

4.) Install WAMP/MAMP:

MySQL is one of the most popular kinds of database that comes along with PHP platform. If you are willing to establish a local environment in order to develop and analyze your PHP applications on your devices, then consider installing MAMP or WAMP. You may find installing of database a bit dreary, but both of these packages are drop-in elements of MySQL.

Stop Worrying And Start Playing With Website & Web Applications

5.) Prefer Using Framework:

Framework plays a vital role by assisting you with all the tedious things that you need to carry out. Although, you have to mug up the functioning of framework so that things could be made facile, but this is the only genuine trade-off. Additionally, you will also avoid writing a bad code as someone else has already written a most of it for you.

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6.) Seclude Your Database Against Security Threats:

After you have finished with production cycle, it is recommended by experts to use MySQL protection mechanism by employing mysql_real_escape_string ( ) in all PHP pages which will directly or indirectly communicate with the entire database. Amazingly, this function tracks to detect the unwanted malicious codes, scripts and functions before you enter something to database. Also, mind that there are hackers that are clever as a wolf that moves very silently.

In expert’s point of view, all above mentioned tips will make your web development task simple as abc, but all you need to do is follow all of them and make them you cup of tea. There are a wide range of other tips also that you may easily explore by browsing the internet. You may also get the subscription from various websites that are absolutely free. Moreover, try applying all the codes from the scratch at least for a single application. The world of PHP is bestowing an immense range of frameworks that can overcome data access, conversely, make sure that you really understand the way through which data is manipulated actually.

About the Author:
Celin Smith is very fuond of writing about latest technology trends and he exclusively work with CustomPHP Development Company. He focuses on providing useful tips, guidance and tutorials to its followers and readers. You may contact him to clear your related queries.

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