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How To Add Review Star Rating In Blogger For Google Search Results?

How To Add Review Star Rating In Blogger For Google Search Results?

Google tries to present the best search results to its users and reviews are a part of it. Ratings and reviews are of this user experience when the user searches for some local information where a decision making is in progress. Reviews helps the user to take the best decision and the choice becomes easier. This is the reasons Google includes star ratings and user reviews in its search results to help the user tracking the popularity of the product or service.

The main purpose to use it to be just mentioned in visitor eye and as well as SE. Through this the visitor will get good impression from you that you also have a good rating from others so you must have a good content. Simple it’s best for providing a good impact on your viewer. It will make your site totally different and noticeable in search due to having stars under your url.

This method is quite important to increase visitors to our blog. Because by adding a star rating in the search results then your blog will look different on SERP position and we have the impression of quality article. And the effect of the article on the internet seekers prefer to click to our blog that looks different from the others. So, if you willing to improve the appearance of your Blog in Google Search engine then Review star markups is the receipt to get yourself highlighted in Search results. This is simply known as “Review Markups Star Rating In SERP”. Here is a tutorial that will help you to add review or user ratings on your site that will allow Google to fetch accurate ratings from your site and display it in the search results.

Table of Contents

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Why To Use Review Markups Star Rating In SERP?

Before we jump onto our tutorial, let us study few features of Review Markup plugin.

  • Through this, You can attract the SE user to your URL.
  • By adding this, you can tell your visitor that how many find this perfect.
  • You can increase your organic traffic.
  • You can get good reputation in SE.
  • This will help the visitor to find the perfect result.

How To Install Review Markup In 1 Blogger Post?

1.) Go To Your
2.) Open Your Desire Blog.
3.) Create A “New Post” Or “Edit” Some One Existing.
4.) Click “Edit HTML” Tab In The Post Editor.
5.) Now Copy The Below Code And Paste It There Anywhere.
8.) Click “Publish” Or “Update” To Done.

<div class="hreview"> <span class="item"> <span class="fn">Product Name</span><br/> </span> Reviewed by <span class="reviewer">Reviewer Name</span>on <span class="dtreviewed">May 12 2013<span class="value-title"></span><br/> </span> Rating: <span class="rating">5</span></div>


1.) Replace Product Name with the title/name of product/post that you are reviewing.
2.) Replace Reviewer Name with your name that you want to see in Search results.
3.) Replace May 12 2013 with the current date.
4.) And the last but not the least, replace Your-Stars with the number of your ratings. Mean how many stars you want to give to your product but keep in mind, that you must have to give review out of 5 means it should be 0,1,2,3,4,5 only.

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Beautiful EXE-Style POP-UP V3 Widget For Blog And Website.

How to Install Review Markup In All Blogger Post?

1.) Go To Your
2.) Open Your Desire Blog.
3.) Go To “Template“.
4.) Click “Edit HTML“.
5.) Now Click Within Code Box.
6.) Press [CTRL+F] To Search <body> Code.
7.) Now Copy The Below Code And Paste It After <body> Code.

<div><div itemscope=' ' itemtype=''>

8.) Then Again Press [CTRL+F] To Search </body> Code.
9.) Now Copy The Below Code And Paste It Before </body> Code.


For 5 Stars Rating:

This code will display the maximum amount worth 5 rating, but if you want to display the maximum number of ten rating the following code.
1.) Again Press [CTRL+F] To Search <data:post.body/> Code.
2.) Now Copy The Below Code And Paste It After <data:post.body/> Code.

Item Reviewed: <span itemprop='itemreviewed'><data:post.title/></span>
Description: <span itemprop="description"><data:blog.metaDescription/></span>
Rating: <span itemprop='rating'>4.5</span>
Reviewed By: <span itemprop='reviewer'><></span>

For More Then 5 Starts:

This code will display the maximum amount worth more then 5 rating.
1.) Again Press [CTRL+F] To Search <data:post.body/> Code.
2.) Now Copy The Below Code And Paste It After <data:post.body/> Code.

<div itemscope="" itemtype="">
Item Reviewed: <span itemprop="itemreviewed"><data:post.title/></span>
<span itemprop="rating" itemscope="" itemtype=""> <span itemprop="average">9&nbsp;</span> out of <span itemprop="best">10</span> based on <span itemprop="votes">10</span> ratings. <span itemprop="count">9</span> user reviews.

10.) Click "Save Template" And Done.


1.) Replace All Red Text With Your Desired Amount.
2.) Save And Done...

Hide These Starts On Posts:

Just Use Display None DIV Around Your Main Start Rating Codes To Hide These From Your Post And Not From Search Engine Like Mentioned Below...
<div style="display:none;">
Your Stars Rating Code


Now finally publish your post and wait till Google bots crawl your website. It totally depends on your new post indexation, if your new posts are index within 2 minutes then you can see those review starts on the specific post.

How To Check This?

Google Introduced Rich Snippets Tools so that bloggers and webmasters can preview how their Blog or Website URLs would appear in Search engine result, but still majority of the bloggers are still unaware of this tremendous tool.

How To Add Review Star Rating In Blogger For Google Search Results?

Now, If you want to see your URL live DEMO that you did it correctly or not then open Google Rich Snippets Tool and enter your that post URL in the required input as seen in the screen shoot and click "Preview" to see the DEMO. If the rating words will appear under your post title it's mean that you did it awesome. Now enjoy extra traffic.

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44 Responses to “How To Add Review Star Rating In Blogger For Google Search Results?”

  1. Samakal says:

    wow, great tips. thanx admin.

  2. Sebin Thomas says:

    I tried “installing in all blogger post” method to my site But It’s not working for me. Also I searched your website post in google. But unfortunately I can’t find any star rating with your snippet in serp :(. Please look at this pic-

  3. phd thesis research methodology says:

    Great tips ! its quite easy to learn thanks for sharing

  4. Wow, i just added to my blog too 😀 , Thanks for great ideas !

  5. Manigandan G says:

    i followed above steps. but i cant fine the body tag. some one please help me.


  6. Thanks for all this information..
    Insted of this code:
    Description: <span itemprop=”description”><data:post.title/></span>
    If you use following code it will be better for more detailed description:
    Description: <span itemprop=”description”><data:blog.metaDescription/></span>

    Let me know your view on this..

  7. Md.Al-Miraz Chowdhury says:

    Nice post, carry on for the future.
    I have got a good support from this post it will help me so much.
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  8. Himshikha Khati says:

    Nice post
    However when i enter the code you mentioned above after body tag i get an error msg-
    The value of attribute “itemscope” associated with an element type “div” must not contain the ‘<‘ character.

    What could be wrong in it,if you can help please?

  9. Hey I want to show this code to SERPs for specific posts (only the review ones), not for the all other posts? Can you please tell me how to do that?

  10. Vlad Topliceanu says:

    Hi, I wait to see the stars on Google for Thanks for your posts.

  11. Ankit says:

    Is there any plugin for wordpress? Thanks for the info!

  12. Himanshu says:

    Thanks i will try it & get back to you!

  13. Redouane says:

    Thank you so much for this post

  14. vinhhd says:

    Hello. I have to follow the instructions but not wordking :(. Pease help my.
    This is link website of me:
    And this is code i add into website:

    ABC Reviewed by Vinhhdon April 21 2015 Rating: 5
    Item Reviewed: Title demo
    Description: Article deme
    Rating: 4.5
    Reviewed By: vinhhd

  15. adam says:

    hello there i followed all steps u mentioned but its giving error in the data structure …plz have a look at my blog..

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