Found 22 Search results for the term "imagined".

Quantum Computing: The Supercomputers Of The Future

Quantum computing aims to revolutionize computing technologies with the help of quantum mechanics. In quantum computers, principles such as superposition or quantum entanglement will be used in the fo...

Web3: The Future Of A Decentralized Internet

Ever wondered why your social media feed seems to know you better than you know yourself? Or why do ads for that coffee maker you were eyeing pop up across every website you visit? The answer lies in ...

Advantages & Disadvantages Of Developing Cross-Platform Apps

Are you thinking of building a multi-platform app? Sounds like a brilliant plan? Android and iOS mobile operating systems have taken over the digital world. In 2020, 88% of 13.09 billion mobile device...

How To Prepare For Class 7 Math’s Olympiad Exam?

To stay forward in this competing world, various Olympiad exams have been entered in various schools. Indian Talent Olympiad’s Maths for Class 7 is one so exam that examines the reasoning ability of...

How Did The Internet Changed Marketing?

The invention of the internet opened doors to endless opportunities. However, no one could have imagined that the internet would influence our lives and education to such an extreme degree and even in...

B2B Marketplace Solutions for Buyers and Sellers

Worldwide business-to-business (B2B) eCommerce exchanges added up to US $12.2 trillion of every 2019, as indicated by a Statista report. Quite possibly the most unmistakable patterns in B2B eCommerce ...

11 Graphic Design Tools You Can’t Live Without

Art and technology could be merged in unexpected ways to make useful, beautiful, and useful objects. The environment is always changing in order to provide more artistic input and lucrative job opport...