Found 9 Search results for the term "validity".

Digital KYC – A Faster Method To Verify Customer Identity

KYC verification is necessary for businesses across the world. Organizations use modern technologies to verify the identity of customers to prevent fraud and scams. Using digital ways of verification ...

Data Quality Monitoring: What Is It And What Is It For?

Data quality is defined by the ability to meet the expectations of data consumers and how well it represents the concepts it is created to represent. Organizations should document their data requireme...

Remote Onboarding – Banks Need To Meet Customer Demand During A Pandemic INFOGRAPHICS

Consumers consider different factors when selecting a digital bank. According to Deloitte’s research, 38% of banking customers state that user experience is the most significant factor. Meanwhi...

8 SEO Tips & Tricks For Your B2B Website

Search engine optimization is one of the most dominant yet underestimated methods to get new clients/customers for B2B organizations. However, you don’t discover numerous B2B organizations makin...

8 Reasons You Absolutely Have To Build No-Follow Links For SEO

A Nofollow link is an important element of the numerical ranking system in Google. It is very much needed to compare different websites in order to cast your vote. Hence it is absolutely necessary to ...

5 Things To Look For In A Digital Marketing Agency In Bangkok

Starting a business in any part of the world can be a daunting prospect, however, this can become even more intimidating when starting one in a place like Bangkok. Huge, bustling, foreign and seemingl...

Indian E-Visa Details – How To Apply Online?

India, the seventh largest and the fastest growing economy of the World. Its culture, heritage, and its economy attract millions of people around the globe. That’s the reason why millions of people ...