Found 484 Search results for the term "automatically".

Input Tags With Automatically Comma Separated Formatting Using JavaScript

The “simple-tags” is a modest Vanilla JavaScript plugin that allows you to create tag input. This pure JS tags input plugin is useful to insert new tags, remove tags and display predefined tag in ...

Highlight/Active Current Page Menu Link Automatically Via JavaScript

How we can highlight the current page, menu, or link? We can do this with HTML CSS & JavaScript. Check Out This Highlight Current Page With HTML CSS JS, Show Active Link Or Menu. I am sure that, ...

How To Automatically Add Table of Contents In All WordPress Posts?

Did you ever want to add a Wikipedia like table of content box on some of your long articles? A table of content makes it easier for users to jump to the section they want to read. In this article, we...

Automatically Redirect To Another Page With Countdown Timer In JavaScript

You may have seen this feature used by sites with full page ads, or to redirect visitors to the site’s new domain name. You can add also a timer to the script that will allow the page to redirec...

How To Reload Your Blog And WebPage Automatically?

Do you want to increase your blog or web page pageviews and want to increase your earning and SEO then you can add some tweaks to make it workable. Try to add auto reload or auto refresh tag that will...

How To Make Blogspot Comments Links “NoFollow” Automatically?

NoFollow is a tag given to your site’s/blog’s links which is used to tell search robots to index a URL but do not follow it. It is used when you are linking to a non-trusted site/blog. N...

Add Internal Links On Your Post Keywords Automatically In Blogger?

As per OnPage SEO requirments, you have to add internal links in your post so if you don’t know it then you have to add now but if you have a lot of articles then how to add it and when if you w...