Found 4 Search results for the term "Republic".

Pure JavaScript Auto Filter Continent, Country, City HTML Dropdown List

Do you want to make a user friendly form while user is entering their country, state or city by giving them option rather then making them type. If they will type there data then there are 99% chances...

What Should You Know About Traveling To Peru?

Peru is a South American country officially known as the Republic of Peru. The country is in western South America to be exact, and to the north are Ecuador and Colombia. To the east is Brazil, and to...

Tips For Targeting And Engaging Your Audience With Pinterest

If you have used Pinterest before you know it is a very visual and interactive board. You also know then that there are over 100 million users a month that use Pinterest. So how can you put this power...

HTML <SELECT> Tag List Of All World Countries

During development involving user registration form or any other online for for getting detailes, you might want to display a drop down list of all countries for the user to choose from, but writing a...