Found 173 Search results for the term "property".

Can You Sue For Injuries On Private Property? A Premises Liability Overview

Premises liability insurance covers negligence arising from injuries sustained on one’s property. Such injuries can take place on anyone’s property, such as public parks and even private h...

What Is Acceptable Wear And Tear On A Rental Property?

The bottom line is that wear and tear are subjective. The damage you’ll accept t your property will depend on the type of person you are, how long the tenants have been in residence, and what sort o...

Google & Instagram: Digital Platforms That Actually Work For Property Agents

As the world of online marketing and social media constantly changes, it can be hard for property agents to keep up with what is actually worth their time and what is not. As seemingly relevant inform...

8 Foolproof Ways To Protect Your Intellectual Property

In recent times, there is no surefire way to protectyour intellectual properties. It wasn’t long ago that a defensible IP was one of the top things that venture capitalists had wanted from a startup...

Airbnb Faces Issues Due To Sub Standard Property Listings

Airbnb is the online marketplace for rentals and users can list their properties for rent for vacations and short stays. The company began in the year 2008 and headquartered in San Francisco. Airbnb a...

PADDING: A CSS Property To Manage Your DIV Data.

The CSS Padding properties define the space between the element border and the element content.Padding The padding clears an area around the content (inside the border) of an element. The padding is a...

How To Protect Your Business Assets In An Uncertain Economy?

When the economy becomes unpredictable, small business owners face unique challenges. Rising costs, changing markets, and unexpected disruptions can pose risks to your hard-earned assets. Protecting t...