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How To Easily Create Automatic Updated Sitemap For Blogger?

Create Automatic Updated Sitemap For Blogger

Today The Question Is That “How To Easily Create Awesome And Stylish Updated Automatic Sitemap For Blogger Using “BlogArchive” Gadget On A Desired Page?”. I Am So Happy Because I Found A New Method To Display Automatically Updated Sitemap For Your Blog On Blogger… After Adding This You Don’t Have To UpDate This Again And Again, It Will Show Your Latest Post Automatically And You Have Also Full Right To Customize The  Blog Archive Using Blogger Edit Gadget Option, You Can Show Your Post List In Many Style.The Other Features Is That You Don’t Have To Use Third Party Or JQuery/JavaScript SiteMap Because They Will Make Your Blog Loading Time Also High.So If You Are Ready To Do This Just Go On And Create Your SiteMap Page With Easy Steps As Given Below.


1.) Simple But Awesome.
2.) Automatically Updated.
3.) Fully Customizable.
4.) You Can Show Post In Monthly, Weekly, Daily Compressed.
5.) You Can Also Change Loder Post Or Newer Post First.
6.) You Have Three Styles Like Hierarchy, Flat List, DropDown.
7.) You Can Change All The Above While Addind Widget.
8.) Will Only Display On A Static Page.
9.) Will Display On Post Area.
10.) And Many More Function.
11.) Without Ant Third Party Source Like jQuery Or JavaScript.
12.) Only Two Line Blog Code Will Be Added.

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How To Add In Blogspot?

1.) Go To Your
2.) Open Your Desire Blog.
3.) Go To “Layout“.
4.) Click “Add A Gadget” Where You Want To Add It.
5.) Now Scroll To “Blog Archive” Widget If Not Added.
6.) Click “+” Icon To Add It.
7.) And Then Edit As Given Below In Pic.

How To Easily Create Automatic Updated Sitemap For Blogger?

8.) Then Copy The Widget ID Like “BlogArchive1” And Click Save.
9.) Now Go To Your “Template” > Edit HTML > “Expand Widget Templates
10.) Than Click (Ctrl + F) To Find Your Widget ID (BlogArchive1).
       You Will Find Like This.

<b:widget id=’BlogArchive1′ locked=’false’ title=’Our Site Map’ type=’BlogArchive’>
<b:includable id=’main’>
<!– only display title if it’s non-empty –>
<b:if cond=’data:title != “”‘>
<h2 class=’title’><data:title/></h2>
<div class=’widget-content’>
<b:include name=’quickedit’/>

11.) Then Add The Below Code After <b:includable id=’main’>

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == &quot;URL OF YOUR SITEMAP PAGE&quot;'>

12.) And Add The Below Code Before </b:includable>


13.) Now Create A Blog Page Where You Want To Display Your SiteMap.
14.) Then Copy There URL And Past It Instead Of URL OF YOUR SITEMAP PAGE
15.) Then Click Save.
16.) Then Again Go To “Layout” Tab.
17.) Here You Move Your “Blog Archive” To The Head Of Post Widget Like.

How To Easily Create Automatic Updated Sitemap For Blogger?

18.) Then Click Save…
19.) Here Your Automatically Updated SiteMap Are Ready.
20.) Now Enjoy…

Recommended For You:
Google Plus Page/Profile Stylish Widget For Website & Blog


There Is No Need To Customize More Because All Is Done Above. More Question, Feel Free To Ask.Like It Then Leave Your Views…

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95 Responses to “How To Easily Create Automatic Updated Sitemap For Blogger?”

  1. Updated techs says:

    thanks to post that article it help me a lot.
    Can you help me for google adsense.

    My blog is

  2. Shalu Sharma says:

    Nice one, there seems to be several ways of doing this. Thank you.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      You Are Welcome…

    • Ashik Shawon says:

      can not done by me. whats the problem bro.
      please see and how i can do this. i am waiting for your repley

    • EXEIdeas says:

      @Ashik Shawon
      Just Remove The BlogArcheive Widget And Add Again Then Follow All The Steps And Don’t Forget To Widget ID.

    • Ashik Shawon says:

      Thank you brother Muhammad Hassan. You the one who solve my many problem(Your other tips). i complete your following steps. my next question is – a) Is it work for sitemap like through -> add sitemap? or b) Need resubmit it through and how i can do it? i mean this sitemap necessary submit to or not? I’m waiting for you reply.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Read The Following Article…
      How To Submit Your Full Blogspot SiteMap To Google Webmaster?

  3. Rafi says:

    Thanks for sharing about sitemap tools. But bing webmaster do not accept my sitemap

  4. oceninfo says:

    nice blog

  5. Vishnu says:

    Thanks Muhammad i have just created a sitemap page for my blog


    Thanks for this valuable information

    I have created a site map as per your guidance

  7. Christian Abalo says:

    Thanks for the information.

    Also found the updated steps on how to add the sitemap on blogger.

    Your blog is great!

  8. Krishi Omli says:

    hey hassan,
    i tried this but i c’ld not find archive id on Edit html (after expanding template) what to do?

  9. Anil Kumar says:

    nice one……

  10. Jitendra Indave says:

    really nice idea..dear..that would be more nice if you post final output of the could.means how that sitemap will look like. don’t you think?

  11. Rahul says:

    Helpful article.

  12. kavya says:

    Nice Post Hassan is is work for custom domain blogger also?

  13. What if its a dynamically updating site, and we want a sitemap? i.e. Its a site which is updated, say 20 times a day, but is not a blog, just a custom designed website. Is there an automated script available? Or what are the steps to keep in mind while making such an automated sitemap script?

  14. Anonymous says:

    Thanks… really its usefull for my blog

  15. Grin Santos says:

    Thanks for your help.

    Share and like daily funny facebook post on your timeline.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Buddy.
    Now i have made sitemap for
    thanks a lot

  17. muzammil khan says:

    hii Hassan.
    there is a problem,plz help me out.
    I have done exactly as per your steps but problem is that after going to “site Map” page newly created,there is no site map.
    In the 8th step I just created new page and given the title as “site map” written nothing on that page then copied that page’s link and pasted it in place of URL OF YOUR SITEMAP PAGE.
    but nothing is there on that page now.

    plz check that page
    and help me.

  18. muzammil khan says:

    Hassan,thanks for your reply.
    but i dont know how to find .xml template.actually i dont know what it is.sorry im new to blogging.
    plz tell me how to get it.then i will send it to you.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Hassan works Perfect with my wallpapers blog

    thanks again for the great sharing…

  20. Pihu says:

    please tell me how can I create a XML sitemap in blogger???

  21. Pihu says:

    I need XML sitemap because in Bing webmaster tool, it doesn’t accept the default blogspot sitemap.

  22. Pihu says:

    Thanks dear for your time and support..

  23. ArOmAl says:

    Thank you very much for sharing this awesome trick. I enjoyed it.

  24. sameer says:

    thanx for such useful information

  25. jayr says:

    thanks. this one could help.

  26. Sohaib Adeel says:

    lol m not copy past coding from your site

  27. kodandapani says:


    Pls tel me step by step process for creating sitemap for my blog…
    Pls do needfu.


  28. Lucky Singh says:

    Hey Muhammad can you please make a widget of “List Of All Posts” for blogger..the widget which I am having shows improper results for above 500 posts…..Please create it if you have capability of doing so or avail it on your site..plzz .
    Thanxx in advance

  29. vikram says:

    thanks a lot for this really helped me.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Kudos – Great Article

  31. Lalit Raghuvanshi says:

    This is one of the most useful article that i found while searching on how to create sitemap for blogspot. I have implemented it on my blog and it looks awesome. I suggest other bloggers to implement it like me

  32. ayishaz says:

    Please read this article and suggest me if there is some thing wrong or missing.
    thank you.

  33. Tim Potter says:

    Nice post!
    I’ll do for my site:

  34. shakir ahmed says:

    That’s great tutorial about site map, will add it may be my blog here is mine blog view this seo services blog

  35. Javine says:

    Is this posible /atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500 ?

  36. Thanks Muhammad hassan for sharing a great post. I appreciate your thinking. my query is this sitemap can be create for wordpress for doing these process

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome And Thanks For Liking, Actually This Is Blogspot Trick Only. Be With Us To Get Something Lie This For WordPress…

  37. zafar iqbal says:

    Dear Excellent website for blogger. Keep writing content to your website. Without knowing knowledge no one can shine is life, so we have to gather our knowledge about website or blog or sites.

  38. Ajibola L' Don jibson says:

    THANKS your method as really worked

  39. shafiq ahmed says:

    i just write sitemap.xml and submit it… will it work? please help me

  40. Thank’s a lot , I’m using it in my blog, but the post empty page appears below the sitemap.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      You Have To Use Conditional Tags To Hide That Post On SiteMap Page But We Recommend To Fill The Page With Some Text Like, Below Is Our Sitemap. Have A Look Here etc..”

  41. Jesus S Cox says:

    I have tray this my blog, but I can not confirm this. My blog is

  42. Rooney Namibia says:

    Worked perfectly
    Thanks admin

  43. aran says:

    how to add “” here in below codes ?

  44. aran says:

    Means remove green code from all places O.o ?

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