Found 215 Search results for the term "standards".

How To Clean Or Sanitize String For File Name With Standards Using PHP?

Are you trying to come up with a function that does a good job of sanitizing certain strings so that they are safe to use in the URL (like a post slug) and also safe to use as file names? For example,...

Why Should You Comply With HIPAA Privacy Standards?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance were established to safeguard private and sensitive patient data for the healthcare industry. The Security rule includes who is c...

Evaluate Your Keyword Worth Against These Standards

A keyword analysis is an essential step to evaluate your content’s performance on the search engine. By knowing the version of your keyword, you can manage it according to the needs to draw orga...

Overview Of The PCI Security Standards Council’s New Guidance

The PCI Security Standards Council has updated its guidance for the payment card industry on penetration testing. The new guidance, available to download here, is intended as supplemental information ...

Top Factors To Consider When Choosing Equipment For Your Fabrication Business

Starting or expanding a fabrication business is a significant investment, particularly when it comes to selecting the right equipment. The quality of your tools will directly impact your productivity,...

Empowering Finance: Fintech Software Development Services

In today’s digital age, demand for innovative financial solutions is skyrocketing. It places fintech software development at the forefront of the financial sector’s evolution. Such a speci...

Bridging Theory And Practice In Antenna Testing For Superior Results

In the rapidly evolving field of telecommunications, the performance of antennas plays a crucial role in ensuring reliable and efficient communication. Bridging the gap between theoretical concepts an...