EXEIdeas | December 10th, 2018 | 2 Comments | HTML-CSS-PHP-JavaScript / JavaScript CodesDo you want to make a user friendly form while user is entering their country, state or city by giving them option rather then making them type. If they will type there data then there are 99% chances...
EXEIdeas | April 24th, 2023 | 0 Comments | HTML-CSS-PHP-JavaScript / JavaScript CodesGoogle Maps is an easy and best way to display location on the web page. A marker is used to identify a location on Google Maps and an Info Window displays some content over the map. With a marker and...
EXEIdeas | January 15th, 2023 | 0 Comments | HTML-CSS-PHP-JavaScript / PHP CodesIf you’ve ever had to deal with time and PHP before, chances are you’ve had to deal with time zones. Dealing with time is difficult enough, but once the time becomes variable based on the preferen...
EXEIdeas | April 7th, 2019 | 0 Comments | Business Needs / Guest PostWhat makes a good logo in 2019? Have you ever thought about that? Designing seems easy. But it isn’t. There is more to creating a visual identity of a brand than aligning text into a box and finishi...