Found 34 Search results for the term "mouse click the next article".

Pure JavaScript ClickJacking Code For Your Website And Blog

ClickJacking is now being used in bad way but you can use it in many good way where nothing is bad for your user or its not a crime. Many are using this for hacking users data that is bad but you can ...

Smooth Direct Scroll To Anchor Link Via Mouse Or Keys

There are many smoot scrolling codes available online but as per different desire everyone has its own limitations so when it comes to a smoot scrolling direct to an anchor tag or link while using mou...

JQuery Blogger Post Moving Thumbnail On Mouse RollOver

Blogger Slider is often a widget pertaining to blogger that will show your recent posts of your respective desired blog having great and wonderful interface. This widget revisions routinely and there&...

Awesome JavaScript Fade Slider With Next-Prev Control

Every website need several attentions that could only get by an amazing Slider that could catch your prospective customers eyes as well as let them to stay there that could increase the benefits addit...

Smooth Scroll To Anchor Via Mouse And Arrows Jquery

Every website need a few attentions which could only be given by an amazing smoothness that will catch these potential customers eyes and let those to stay there that will increase your current benefi...

Stop Scrolling WebPage Via Mouse Wheel And Keyboard Keys

Many web designer want to make some different things and want to equip there design with totally different design pattern. So like if you are working on a design like to work with buttons on screen an...

Add Keyboard Navigation In Your Blog For Next/Previous Post

However, we have seen many WordPress as well as HTML based sites that used Keyboard navigation. You all can see your Previous/Next post via using there button but will it not awesome if we will change...