Found 1059 Search results for the term "background".

Create Confetti Explosion Background On Click Using Pure JavaScript

Confetti.js is a lightweight JavaScript plugin to create a confetti celebration explosion effect. It draws confetti graphics on the HTML canvas element. The plugin allows you to render the confetti ef...

Skewed Inline DIV With Straight Background Image and Text Inside DIVs

More and more in web design, we find ourselves putting text on top of images. More often than not, this is a dangerous game. Images have dynamic color and lighting and text for the most part is one co...

How To Fix Black Background Of PNG Transparent Image In Picasa?

We are using Picasa Web Album previously too and didn’t get this issue but since after Google Plus, we are getting this error when we upload a ping transparent image then we got a dark backgroun...

How To Add Opacity On Background Image Using CSS?

Sometime a designer need to add some opacity to his web background images but for this he cant use opacity:0.5; like code as it drop full div/body opacity with data/text inside it that he do not want ...

How To Keep Scrolling A DIV Background Image Using JavaScript?

Like in the new era of designing every designer is adding some animation to there website. There are many ways to add animation like GIF image, SWF flash files, Movie Clips but all of these are too he...

How To Keep Scrolling A DIV Background Image Using CSS3?

Like in the new era of designing every designer is adding some animation to there website. There are many ways to add animation like GIF image, SWF flash files, Movie Clips but all of these are too he...

How To Add Background Music With On/Off Button In Blogger/Website?

Hi, Did you ever think to add music on youe site/blog? then you just stuck on a point that what to do who dont want it. So here we have solution for both. From here you can add background music to you...