Found 54 Search results for the term "Please Click The Next Page".

Highlight/Active Current Page Menu Link Automatically Via JavaScript

How we can highlight the current page, menu, or link? We can do this with HTML CSS & JavaScript. Check Out This Highlight Current Page With HTML CSS JS, Show Active Link Or Menu. I am sure that, ...

How To Stop Highlighting A Web-Page Using Pure CSS Code?

After my previous article that is “How To Disable Highlighting The Text From DIV, Blog And Website?” I am here to share the CSS version that is also better than that in some ways that are ...

How To Enable/Disable Form Elements To Edit/View On Click Using JavaScript?

Sometimes we need to enable and disable input elements like text box, radio buttons, or checkboxes, to make it readable only or sometimes allow users to fill the form with their data but every time yo...

How To Set Or Specify Referring Page Using Pure JavaScript?

Like you are making a web app or writing any program where you need to know that from which page your visitor or use came to the current page then it is possible via pure plain vanilla javascript. The...

Facebook Error Fixed: “The page at [URL] could not be reached.”

After receiving many emails about this error that Like/Send buttons or Publish buttons are putting in weird content, or getting the wrong images, or things like that. and also experiencing t...

How To Recover Data From A Corrupt SD Card [Full Guide]

We will explain in this article how to save a corrupted SD card. Following our discussion of the common causes and symptoms of SD card corruption, we will offer you seven methods for restoring your co...

How To Upload MBOX File To Gmail Account- A Detailed Guide?

This blog explains how to import MBOX files to a Gmail account, guiding you through the steps needed for a smooth migration. Learn the tools and techniques to convert MBOX files, ensuring secure, accu...